gorbit99 / codewindow.nvim

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Question: is there any way to make the background completely transparent? #34

Open arpangreat opened 1 year ago

arpangreat commented 1 year ago

if I clear the background using :hi CodewindowBackground guibg=NONE still there is a black background. Is there any way to make it completely transparent ?

gorbit99 commented 1 year ago

What if you do :hi NormalFloat guibg=none as well?

arpangreat commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I was busy in studies.

Apparently it still doesn't work

Xemptuous commented 1 year ago

I tried vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(minimap_win, 'winbl', 100, and I still get the black background, but with my onedark transparent = true. When my theme has false transparency, winbl does nothing, and i'm also unable to get the background to be transparent. my CodewindowBackground doesn't actually affect the window background, atleast with my current theme.