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Public events missing in Events tab #986

Open russtuck opened 1 year ago

russtuck commented 1 year ago

The Scottie Faire is listed as a public event in 25live, https://25live.collegenet.com/pro/gordon#!/home/event/66780/calendar, and will be on 8/30/23 5-7pm in the Chapel Lot (and in KOS in case of rain). But it doesn't show up in https://360.gordon.edu/events. Here's a screenshot:


Our 25live administrator confirmed that it was entered correctly and should show up on the public calendar: ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Michelle Papanicolaou M.Papanicolaou@gordon.edu Date: Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 10:43 AM Subject: Re: question about 25 live and Scottie Faire To: Russell Tuck Russ.Tuck@gordon.edu


I just checked it. This is what has been entered into 25live:

As you can see under, "O," the box for promoting it on a public calendar has been checked. This may then be a software glitch.

Michelle _____​​​ A. This is by Students, for Students B. This is by Fac/Staff for Students E. This is an all-campus event where I hope to have as many people as I can H. My event needs support or equipment from CTS (must email CTS to request). I. I need Gordon Catering, THREE weeks notice REQUIRED (no outside food allowed) K. I will be using the CHAIRMAN'S ROOM/LOGGIA and realize this will be $75 L. I will put in a work request for furniture config. (tables, chairs, etc) M. My event has police/parking needs (spaces reserved for guests, etc) N. My event is INDOORS and I will put a work request in for cleaning the space O. My event should be promoted on a public calendar. Q. My event is OUTDOORS, I need tables and know these need to be rented (fee) R. My event is OUTDOORS, I will file a work request for trash barrels, etc Event Owner: Van Brunt, Tucker Creation Date: Thu May 11 2023 Reference: 2023-AAJFLA Cabinet: Events Cabinet: 2012-2050 Folder: Events Folder: 2012-2050

EjPlatzer commented 1 year ago

The issue seems to be that this event has the type "Fair/Expo" as seen in the 25Live link you included: image

360 is configured to only retrieve events of the type Calendar Announcement (ID 14) and Event (ID 57). This was decided on a few years ago in discussion with the Scheduling Office when they were greatly paring down the number of possible event types, and these two types were deemed the only two relevant to 360.

I think the Fair/Expo event type should certainly appear on 360, but we need to know what event type it is (and what other event types are relevant to us) in order to fetch them from 25 Live.

russtuck commented 1 year ago

If I go to 25live and try to create an event, I only get 3 choices for type: Event, Meeting, and Calendar Announcement. So it seems like we should also include "Calendar Announcement" (if we can learn its ID). And I'll ask how a Fair/Expo was created. (Maybe by someone with more privileges than I have.)

russtuck commented 1 year ago

Nevermind my comment about Calendar Announcement. I see we're getting that and ignoring Meeting. So it's only Expo/Fair that needs more info.

russtuck commented 1 year ago

If I do an event search in 25live, right click "inspect" in the browser, pick the network tab, redo the search, and then look at the response for "types.json", I find a long list that includes:

"searchCriteria": { "item": [

            "itemId": 10,
            "itemName": "Athletic Game/Match/Meet",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 2
            "itemId": 14,
            "itemName": "Calendar Announcement",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 6

            "itemId": 18,
            "itemName": "Chapel/Worship",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 10
            "itemId": 19,
            "itemName": "Conference",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 11
            "itemId": 51,
            "itemName": "Convocation",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 12
            "itemId": 57,
            "itemName": "Event",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 14,
            "favorite": "T"
            "itemId": 21,
            "itemName": "Exhibition",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 17
            "itemId": 22,
            "itemName": "Fair/Expo",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 18
            "itemId": 23,
            "itemName": "Festival",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 19

            "itemId": 58,
            "itemName": "STUDENT Event",
            "itemTypeId": 7,
            "sort_order": 46

So I think the ID for Fair/Expo is 22.

Looking for athletic events in 25live, I'm puzzled. I see what appear to be past practices as type Event with empty "Categories" column. And I see past matches (official games) listed at type Meeting or type Event, but with Categories containing "Publish to: All Events/General Calendar, Publish to: Athletics Calendar". I also see clearly public events, like "Cross Country Pop Crowell" (9/16/23) with type Event and nothing in Categories. 360 doesn't show any of the past events, even when I click "include past". (Odd, it shows Rotary Club Meeting back to 4/2022.) But it does show the cross country events, even without Categories filled in.

But I also see an Afro Hamwe basketball tournament (4/14/23) as type "STUDENT Event" (type 58 above) with empty Categories, and "Scottie Bowl, Flag Football Championship" (9/30/22) as type "STUDENT Event" with Categories containing "Publish to: All Events/General Calendar, Publish to: Student Activities/Life Calendar".

So I have 2 questions. Is it correct to show all "Event" items, or only those with a "Publish to:..." in the Categories? (I'm guessing yes.) Should we be including "STUDENT Event" type items, also? (I'm guessing maybe so.)

Should I ask Michelle about either of these? (I don't want to rehash conversations you've already had and resolved.)