gordon-matt / peachpie-responsive-file-manager

Responsive File Manager running on .NET Core with Peachpie
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display file manager : icons overflow on text #28

Open Antonyab opened 2 years ago

Antonyab commented 2 years ago

Thank you gorden for your reply.

The library is well structured. I will try to add the options that I want.

Based on the examples that you provided, I tried to display the file manager using iframe.

I used this code :

on page load the file manager is shown correctly : Capture

If I click on a folder or a file, the icons overflow on the text : Capture1

Do you have any idea how to solve this issue?

And regarding the current path that i need to show in the file manager, it is only charging the path that I configured in appsettings.json. If I try to pass an other path via the argument rootFolder, it is not working.

thank you in advance for the help.

regards, Antony

gordon-matt commented 2 years ago

For the overflow issue, it seems like a problem with the RFM itself. You should look for help from RFM's developer instead: https://github.com/trippo/ResponsiveFilemanager

As for rootFolder, that should point to an existing subfolder... inside of the main path that you configured in appsettings.json. The idea of rootFolder is in the case you have a folder per user.. or in a multi-tenant situation you maybe want a folder per tenant.. then you can structure your media folder like this:


So you can pass "Tenant_" + tenantId for the rootFolder. Of course you need to ensure the folder exists as well..