gordonmhy / Jail

A revolutionary player punishment system. Designed for @PocketMine servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
32 stars 15 forks source link

Crash on LINE 27 Bad Plugin #37

Open DarkGoldKnight opened 7 years ago

DarkGoldKnight commented 7 years ago

Seems to be crashing on start up of the server. Any possible fix for this, crash dump below

PocketMine-MP Crash Dump Tue Aug 22 06:08:19 EDT 2017

Error: Declaration of hoyinm14mc\jail\commands\DeljailCommand::onCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $issuer, pocketmine\command\Command $cmd, string $label, array $args): bool must be compatible with pocketmine\command\CommandExecutor::onCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, pocketmine\command\Command $command, $label, array $args) File: /Jail.phar/src/hoyinm14mc/jail/commands/DeljailCommand Line: 27 Type: E_COMPILE_ERROR


Code: [18] */ [19] [20] namespace hoyinm14mc\jail\commands; [21] [22] use hoyinm14mc\jail\Jail; [23] use hoyinm14mc\jail\base\BaseCommand; [24] use pocketmine\command\CommandSender; [25] use pocketmine\command\Command; [26] [27] class DeljailCommand extends BaseCommand [28] { [29] [30] public function onCommand(CommandSender $issuer, Command $cmd, string $label, array $args): bool [31] { [32] switch (strtolower($cmd->getName())) { [33] case "deljail": [34] if (isset($args[0]) !== true) { [35] return false; [36] } [37] if ($issuer->hasPermission("jail.command.deljail") !== true) {


PocketMine-MP version: 1.6.2dev #0 [Protocol 113; API 3.0.0-ALPHA6] PHP Version: 7.0.3 Zend version: 3.0.0 OS : Linux, linux

gordonmhy commented 7 years ago

Hello, DarkGoldKnight ! I'm not able to reproduce this issue on my own laptop running MacOS. Could you try executing other commands of Jail and see if the same error appears? Thanks for reporting this issue. Your help would have benefited the development of Jail. (By the way, no software is totally stable. The declaration of Jail being a 'Bad Plugin' is of its code stability, but hopefully not its functionality, creativity, and its ability to innovate the plugin community. I'll try my best to maintain Jail's basic features non-buggy, and to keep frequent updates available regarding the continuously edited, changed, and manipulated core software. (PocketMine-MP))