gorhill / httpswitchboard

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Overriding ABP filters #346

Closed Pitel closed 10 years ago

Pitel commented 10 years ago

I want to edit Google Spreadsheet. But I can't, because according to log of blocked requests, xhr request to https://docs.google.com/static/spreadsheets2/client/js/3408369557-ritz_waffle_i18n_impressions__cs.js is blocked byt ABP filter docs.google.com/stat.

The top paragraph for Ubiquitous rules says: A ubiquitous rule can be overridden by any scoped rule for the same element. But it can't! Even if i explicitely whitelist xhrs from docs.google.com, it is still blocked and GDocs doesn't work.

And even when I add https://docs.google.com/static/spreadsheets2/client/js/ to My allow rules, it doesn't work.

What can I do?

Pitel commented 10 years ago

Ok, the solution is here.