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images(at least?) are not blocked on chromium startup when it is autorestoring tabs #405

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

When starting chromium and it auto-restores tabs(*1), at least the current tab doesn't get its images(at least) blocked.

(*1) as per Settings->On Startup->Continue where you left off.

This is what I see when I start up chromium and then I press the matrix button to see what's allowed/blocked: screenshot - 09022014 - 12 34 32 pm

and from that state as soon as I press PrintScreen to take the first screenshot(seen above), focus is lost and matrix is closed(as it should) and the page is refreshed (as if I made some matrix changes, but I didn't) and thus the page looks like this afterwards(this is how it should look on startup, according to my matrix "rules"): screenshot - 09022014 - 12 35 00 pm (I also clicked matrix button in this screenshot to show what changed)

other times on startup the page looks slightly different (if you compare to first screenshot), maybe something more than just images were allowed? looks like this on startup: startup2 screenshot - 09022014 - 12 38 55 pm

and after taking the screenshot it autorefreshed and the only difference from the 2nd screenshot above is that "www.feedburner.com" was added in the matrix: after screenshot screenshot - 09022014 - 12 39 07 pm

Also, sometimes the page doesn't change/refresh when I press the matrix button and depress it - seems to happen if I allow all the tabs to finish loading; and so in this case all I have to do is click the Refresh button to see the page as in fourth(or second) screenshot.

I may be wrong but this seems to happen(only?) when the dashboard is also one of the tabs (ie. second tab) chrome-extension://cbhackgpcbgjagifjalpobagjbmhbafm/dashboard.html because if I close it, restarting chromium doesn't seem to cause this issue anymore... if I open it again, restarting chromium causes the issue every time.