gorhill / uBO-Extra

A companion extension to uBlock Origin
GNU General Public License v3.0
650 stars 42 forks source link

Huge memory consumption #124

Closed hbxc0re closed 4 years ago

hbxc0re commented 4 years ago

UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36 OPR/65.0.3467.48

Steps to reproduce the problem: 1.Add extension 2.Navigate to support.com or Facebook.com 3.Go to another opened tab and wait about 20 mins but don't go back to the tab for Facebook or support.com, watch the memory usage increase exponentially.

What is the expected behavior? Extension makes several tabs that are not in active view to consume memory.

What went wrong? Possibly seeing as the extension is manipulating JS it could possibly be the way the extension is handling the requests the is causing the issue of memory consumption. Note that I've seen it consume up to 10gb.

WebStore page: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin-extra/pgdnlhfefecpicbbihgmbmffkjpaplco

Did this work before? N/A

Chrome version: 78.0.3904.97 Channel: n/a OS Version: OS X 10.14.6 Flash Version: Shockwave Flash 32.0 r0

gorhill commented 4 years ago

uBO-Extra is inactive for support.com or firefox.com, it can't consume memory on these sites:


You need to investigate more precisely (you use the word "possibly" many times) your issue, it's not uBO-Extra -- try investigating your other extensions. Also if you really want to make the case that uBO-Extra is your issue, you will need to provide actual evidence -- nowhere are you providing any evidence that uBO-Extra itself is causing memory consumption, you are just speculating it does. How exactly did you measure memory usage? Did you open the dev console and create a memory snapshot to analyze the result?

hbxc0re commented 4 years ago

I know it's that extension, I disabled that extension and the problem went away. I used the built in developer tools that said it was that extension cause the issue

hbxc0re commented 4 years ago

You also need to be logged into the support.com site and have open sessions....it also slows Facebook down to a crawl after scrolling for a couple of minutes, I disabled it and the lag on Facebook is gone.

hbxc0re commented 4 years ago
Screen Shot 2019-11-22 at 1 32 55 PM
gorhill commented 4 years ago

I used the built in developer tools that said it was that extension cause the issue

Please provide the evidence, cut and paste what you can, screenshots, etc. I do not have an account for support.com or facebook.com. As said, uBO-Extra's content script is not active on those site -- it's even ejected from memory by the browser because of this.

hbxc0re commented 4 years ago

I'm working on that now, give me one second.

hbxc0re commented 4 years ago

I'm just going to say this first, only reason I'm posting is to see where the issue is. I'm currently uncertain who to go to, I've gone to Opera and Chromium and they point me back here. I just want to see what is causing the issue, I'm really grateful for the extension and just would love to continue using it, but in all honesty ever since this last update on Opera it's been killing my system resources.

First image is of Support.com logged in with one open session, usually I have about 6-8 sessions open so the time increases the more session I have open which never used to happen before.

Screen Shot 2019-11-24 at 10 36 57 AM

Second image is of Facebook.com......

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hbxc0re commented 4 years ago
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gorhill commented 4 years ago

It looks to me you are using Violent Monkey and some user scripts in it. Bad user scripts are your best bet to find the culprit for your memory issue.

I even see a reference to Reek Anti-Ad Killer: this user script has been abandonware for years now.

hbxc0re commented 4 years ago

Ok, I'll have to look and see whats enabled, I'll disable them and see if I can retest. Thanks for the help.