gorhill / uBlock

uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem with cloud storage #729

Closed seth100 closed 9 years ago

seth100 commented 9 years ago


I have installed ublock on both my 2 computers. I have logged in my firefox sync account on both computer. From the first one (device name A) I have export to cloud storage all my ublock settings (filter, rules etc...), from the other one (device name B) I have tried to import the settings I have exported from A, but it does not work. I have taken a look to console while trying to import and it says (I have translated it from my browser language): Security Error: Content at moz-nullprincipal: {.......} may not load or link to chrome://ublock0/content/1p-filters.html.

Am I doing anything wrong? Do I have to enable anything from firefox sync? Like preferences or addons sync? I have Firefox 40.0.3 and Linux Mint x64 on both my computers.

gorhill commented 9 years ago

You need to check "Add-ons" in Sync preferences.

seth100 commented 9 years ago

Ok I tried that. I have checked "Add-ons" in Sync and I have exported again from computer A, after that I went to computer B, checked "Add-ons" and tried to import, but it did not import anything. Do I have to have the same device name or Sync account name?

gorhill commented 9 years ago

Sync account name

I am pretty sure this is necessary. Once you send something to the cloud, you have first to be sure that Firefox actually did actually send it to its servers, and one the other side, you have to be sure Firefox did actually pull from the cloud first. You can force Sync up to date by clicking the Sync button on both sides, after you export on one side, and before you import on the other side. Normally the Sync operation is performed by Firefox at launch time, otherwise I am not sure what triggers it.

seth100 commented 9 years ago

Sorry I actually have the same Sync account on both computers. What is different is the Device name but I think that it's not necessary to have it the same on the 2 machines. I'll try the steps you said and I'll tell you the result.

seth100 commented 9 years ago

You can force Sync up to date by clicking the Sync button on both side, after you export on one side, > and before you import on the other side.

Ok, it still does not work.

gorhill commented 9 years ago

Are you blocking behind-the-scene network requests? I verified and it works fine here.

seth100 commented 9 years ago

I don't think I am. How can I verify whether I'm blocking network requests? I have uMatrix also and I have matrix-off: behind-the-scene true. But I tried to disable uMatrix, Random Agent Spoofer and HTTPS-Everywhere, but still does not work. Also I tried to create a new Firefox profile, install only uBlock and try to export something to cloud. After that I came to old profile back and tried to import, but no luck. Indeed while exporting with new profile I saw the same error in console.

gorhill commented 9 years ago

How can I verify whether I'm blocking network requests?


seth100 commented 9 years ago

Ok I opened uMatrix and uBlock logger while exporting to cloud, but I saw nothing. So I think it's not blocked

seth100 commented 9 years ago

Could you please try to install uMatrix, uBlock and random-agent-spoofer (https://github.com/dillbyrne/random-agent-spoofer) and then try the Sync again? I have these settings in uMatrix: https://i.imgur.com/TeOJsXy.png and matrix-off: behind-the-scene true and these settings in random-agent-spoofer: http://s7.postimg.org/wwbpqed7f/Istantanea_2015_09_29_08_40_46.png http://s7.postimg.org/nptf347yz/Istantanea_2015_09_29_08_41_11.png http://s7.postimg.org/azts3rpej/Istantanea_2015_09_29_08_41_25.png

vanowm commented 8 years ago

I'm also unable sync between two computers. Add-ons and preferences enabled in Firefox sync, but uBlock doesn't see cloud saves from computer A on computer B and vise versa. Setting up the same device name on both computers is not acceptable, because it's defeating the whole concept of device name. uBlock 1.3.6 FF 42

gorhill commented 8 years ago

Setting up the same device name on both computers is not acceptable

Nowhere do I say you have to do this. The device name is just a convenience so that you know from which device originates whatever is in the cloud storage.

You need to provide more details:

I just tried and I confirm it works fine from here. There might be delay after you save to the cloud storage, this is dependent on Firefox infrastructure. Also, refresh the pane of the destination computer, the content of the cloud storage is looked at when the pane is rendered.

vanowm commented 8 years ago

Oh, it's working now, probably I banned myself for a while when was doing sync every 3 seconds...

Anyhow, the Firefox sync options that require for uBlock sync is "preferences" no need "add-ons". Would be nice if this was mentioned in wiki documentation. I wonder if there is a way make it independent from "preferences" sync? Not every device need the same browser settings.