gorhill / uMatrix

uMatrix: Point and click matrix to filter net requests according to source, destination and type
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot UPDATE Assets #995

Closed uBlock-user closed 6 years ago

uBlock-user commented 6 years ago

Open Assets page Click on the small clock icon near all the listed assets Click Update Now Logger - https://i.gyazo.com/b907ee4d347ef79bf54032775d605ad5.png

Network tab - https://i.gyazo.com/cda125798608e9e425207298899ad31f.png

Disabled all other extensions and still the same case - https://i.gyazo.com/d14fec4788956d5c2dac632b26bc1dbd.png

popUI - https://i.gyazo.com/44e402218a6ad279f62cf4ddcfdaf2f4.png

uMatrix version - Chromium 67


uBlock-user commented 6 years ago

I'm able to update uBlock Origin's FilterLists so it's not my connection either.

gorhill commented 6 years ago

Yes, sorry.

Can you try the rule matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true?

uBlock-user commented 6 years ago

Adding that worked. But I didn't have that in and it worked there, so how come it won't here ? Also the scheme is behind-the-scene as per the popUI - https://i.gyazo.com/44e402218a6ad279f62cf4ddcfdaf2f4.png

gorhill commented 6 years ago

I'm just investigating for now, not saying this is the definitive solution.

gorhill commented 6 years ago

Well, I just looked at the code, matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true is part of the default ruleset at installation.

What changed is that now uMatrix, just like uBO, will re-classify behind-the-scene network requests for which a context is provided. This context is something new that was added in Chrome 63, so that now uMatrix can properly filter behind-the-scene network requests. This has always been available on Firefox, but was not used by uMatrix until now.

Consider https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/684#issuecomment-372137117: now uMatrix can properly deal with this, the network request which was formerly left unfiltered can now be filtered, because now uMatrix is told that the "initiator" of the behind-the-scene network request is https://thedisconnect.co.

The current issue is a side effect of this fix: the "initiator" in the current case is the extension URL: chrome-extension://[extension id], hence why matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true is needed.

Now the real issue is the logger not informing properly about this, it still shows the network request as being from the behind-the-scene scope, while it has been re-classified internally. I have been planning to fix this along with https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/951, which I have been wanting to fix since a while now, but haven't had the time yet -- I want the logger to provide the context in which network requests were made, just like in uBO, and from there it will become easy to diagnose/fix issues like the current one.

uBlock-user commented 6 years ago

The current issue is a side effect of this fix: the "initiator" in the current case is the extension URL: chrome-extension://[extension id], hence why matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true is needed.

So we will have to add that rule otherwise all behind-the-scene requests will be blocked unconditionally ?

Now the real issue is the logger not informing properly about this, it still shows the network request as being from the behind-the-scene scope, while it has been re-classified internally

That means the scope it should have shown in the popup UI is chrome-extension-scheme instead of behind-the-scene ?

uBlock-user commented 6 years ago

Removed matrix-off: behind-the-scene true and added matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true and it still works. So behind-the-scene is now chrome-extension-scheme ?

gorhill commented 6 years ago

I was just trying to explain what is happening, I did not make a decision yet about what I will do if I decide to do something.

uBlock-user commented 6 years ago

Well for now, matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true will be required to be added(if not present already) untill you decide, that's for sure.

gorhill commented 6 years ago

As said above, it's in the default ruleset.

uBlock-user commented 6 years ago

I meant for those who removed it, since it didn't affect untill now.

gorhill commented 6 years ago

Until I fix the logger, behind-the-scene network requests made in non-network URI contexts will not be reclassified.

uBlock-user commented 6 years ago

So it's still an incomplete fix ?