gorhom / react-native-bottom-sheet

A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options 🚀
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[v4] enableDynamicSizing does not work #1704

Open mstaniewski opened 10 months ago

mstaniewski commented 10 months ago


I need bottom sheet modals to adjust to its content height. I have found enableDynamicSizing prop in documentation and a pull request regarding dynamic sizing: https://github.com/gorhom/react-native-bottom-sheet/pull/1513

I have checked the example on how to use it here:


Unfortunately bottom sheet height is not calculated properly. First modal appears good because it has snap points set. Second is displaying like content would be of height 0


Environment info

"@gorhom/bottom-sheet": "^4.6.0", "react-native": "^0.73.2",

Library Version
@gorhom/bottom-sheet 4.6.0
react-native 0.73.2
react-native-reanimated 3.6.1
react-native-gesture-handler 2.14.0

Steps To Reproduce

Import BottomSheetModal from module, use it as presented in example and docs. Content height is not calculated

Describe what you expected to happen:

Modal appears with height adjusted to its content

Reproducible sample code

<BottomSheetModal ref={ref} enableDynamicSizing>
    <View style={{height: 200, backgroundColor: 'black'}} />
MANIKANDAN1709 commented 10 months ago

I tried to reproduce this not able to reproduce @mstaniewski please share details.if possible share along with snack example

stewardccm commented 10 months ago

Same issues with the bottom sheet cannot be get the correct height without set any snapPoints.

export default function Test() {
  const [item, setItem] = useState<String>();
  const bottomSheetRef = useRef<BottomSheet>(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    new Promise((resolve) => {
    }).then(() => bottomSheetRef.current?.expand());

  return (
      <BottomSheetView>{item && <Text>Testing</Text>}</BottomSheetView>
VolkerLieber commented 10 months ago

Make sure to wrap your app/screen in BottomSheetModalProvider and provide a valid (snap point) index (e.g. 0)

stewardccm commented 10 months ago

The app/screen is in BottomSheetModalProvider and updates the method to bottomSheetRef.current?.snapToIndex(0). Still getting the same result, is there any misunderstanding on my part?

theyanniss23002 commented 9 months ago

I also encountered a problem. any other ideas?

adelbeke commented 9 months ago


You can find a workaround here

shamilovtim commented 9 months ago

My workaround: https://github.com/gorhom/react-native-bottom-sheet/issues/1573#issuecomment-1952993877

andrecrimb commented 8 months ago

I found a hacky workaround adding a minHeight or padding to BottomSheetView.

        style={{ minHeight: 10 }} // <----- It works 🤷🏽‍♂️ 

Still this is super hacky and should be solved 👍🏽

Inferno-Ripper commented 2 months ago

if you give the BottomSheetView and a wrapping View inside padding the enableDynamicSizing works. note index={0} and enableDynamicSizing={true} needs to be in BottomSheetModal also if BottomSheetView is given any other padding like padding-bottom etc it does not work.

P.S: no idea if this is a proper solution or not, it worked for me so i thought i would share it.

` <BottomSheetModal index={0} enableDynamicSizing={true}

<BottomSheetView style={{padding: '40px'> <View style={{padding-bottom: '80px'> // all the code in the modal should be placed inside this view `

hassanad94 commented 1 month ago

if you give the BottomSheetView and a wrapping View inside padding the enableDynamicSizing works. note index={0} and enableDynamicSizing={true} needs to be in BottomSheetModal also if BottomSheetView is given any other padding like padding-bottom etc it does not work.

P.S: no idea if this is a proper solution or not, it worked for me so i thought i would share it.

` <BottomSheetModal index={0} enableDynamicSizing={true}

<BottomSheetView style={{padding: '40px'> <View style={{padding-bottom: '80px'> // all the code in the modal should be placed inside this view `

Thats the only thing which worked for me. Thank you for your solution!!