gorhom / react-native-bottom-sheet

A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options 🚀
MIT License
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Address reanimated API misuse warnings that pop up starting with reanimated 3.16.0 #1983

Open vestrelatlassian opened 1 month ago

vestrelatlassian commented 1 month ago



Reanimated Version


Gesture Handler Version



iOS, Android

What happened?

Reanimated version 3.16.0 introduced a logger that by default shows warnings about API misuse.

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 3 49 45 PM

We are currently using bottom sheet version 5.0.2 in our app and noticed warnings started to pop up whenever the bottom sheet is rendered/re-rendered.

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 3 38 01 PM

Reproduction steps

  1. Upgrade reanimated lib to version 3.16.0 or newer.
  2. Render bottom sheet.

Reproduction sample


Relevant log output

If you don't want to see this message, you can disable the `strict` mode. Refer to:
https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/debugging/logger-configuration for more details.

(NOBRIDGE) WARN  [Reanimated] Reading from `value` during component render. Please ensure that you do not access the `value` property or use `get` method of a shared value while React is rendering a component.
asgarPeerbits commented 1 month ago

I am also facing this issue

Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 4 07 31 PM

FernandoAOborges commented 1 month ago

same for me.

To resolve this for now, create a file named reanimatedConfig.js at the root of your project, then import it in App.tsx.

import {
} from 'react-native-reanimated';

  level: ReanimatedLogLevel.warn, 
  strict: false,  // Disable strict mode

Import this file at the beginning of your App.tsx to apply the configuration:

import './reanimatedConfig';

// Rest of your code
gorhom commented 1 month ago

i tested the library on RN75 with REA 3.16.0, but im not getting these warnings ? any ideas

kelechi-nwankpa commented 1 month ago

@gorhom Thanks for the response. I'm experiencing the same warning error as mentioned above. I'm currently using RN74 and REA 3.16.0.

Would you need any other information for further debugging?

i tested the library on RN75 with REA 3.16.0, but im not getting these warnings ? any ideas

akuul commented 1 month ago

I was having the very same issue. It's gone now out of nowhere and trying to understand why. Thinking if this could be related to cache in any way ?.. Also RN 75

xhrebi04 commented 1 month ago

I'm experiencing same issue.

react-native: 0.75.4 react-native-reanimated: 3.16.0

I tried to unistall/install app, yarn start --reset-cache as well, but without success.

gorhom commented 1 month ago

i'll try to submit a new release today to remove all accessing animated values as hooks dependancies

gorhom commented 1 month ago

i pushed a potential fix on v5.0.4, could someone test it and update us here ? thanks

kelechi-nwankpa commented 1 month ago

@gorhom I updated the dependency from ^5.0.2 to ^5.0.4.

The warning seems to no longer be displaying. I think the ship worked :D . Great job

outaTiME commented 1 month ago

Hi @gorhom, thanks for the update. Unfortunately, the warnings persist on both platforms (Android / iOS) using react-native v0.74.5. Just to mention, the bottom sheet I’m using is in detached mode, though I’m not sure if this is related to the issue.

efstathiosntonas commented 1 month ago

edit: it seems that a slider I was using inside the bottom sheet was causing the error so I guess all good after upgrading to 5.0.4

~Just updated to 5.0.4 too, still getting the error.~


from docs:

Don't read or modify the value of a shared value during a component's render. Access to value property or calling get/set methods is a side-effect. Triggering side-effects during render violates the Rules of React. All reads from and writes to a shared value should happen in relevant callbacks which aren't executed during render, i.e. in useAnimatedStyle or useEffect hooks.

from my understanding (demo code):


  const reverseAnim = scaleEmoji.value === 2 ? [2, 1, 1] : [1, 1, 2];

  const emojiAnimatedScaled = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
    return {
      transform: [
          translateY: interpolate(
            [0, 1, 2],
            scaled ? [1, -3, -5] : [1, 1, 1]
          scaleY: interpolate(
            [0, 1, 2],
            scaled ? [0, 1, 1.5] : reverseAnim
          scaleX: interpolate(
            [0, 1, 2],
            scaled ? [0, 1, 1.5] : reverseAnim
  }, [emojiDuration, scaleDuration, scaleEmoji, scaled]);


  const emojiAnimatedScaled = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
    const reverseAnim = scaleEmoji.value === 2 ? [2, 1, 1] : [1, 1, 2]; <----- moved inside reanimated hook
    return {
      transform: [
          translateY: interpolate(
            [0, 1, 2],
            scaled ? [1, -3, -5] : [1, 1, 1]
          scaleY: interpolate(
            [0, 1, 2],
            scaled ? [0, 1, 1.5] : reverseAnim
          scaleX: interpolate(
            [0, 1, 2],
            scaled ? [0, 1, 1.5] : reverseAnim
  }, [emojiDuration, scaleDuration, scaleEmoji, scaled]);
sladik-maksym commented 1 month ago

Я отправил потенциальное исправление v5.0.4, может ли кто-нибудь протестировать его и сообщить нам об этом здесь? Спасибо

Thank you! The warning is gone, everything works great.

ludwighen commented 1 month ago

I still get the warning on 5.0.4 (using BottomSheetModal) unfortunately

Willham12 commented 1 month ago

Same issue here but it's depends on the provided child.

virendrasingh-tech commented 1 month ago

the warning is coming directly from reanimated 3.16, i don't have @gorhom packages still it is showing to me.

akuul commented 1 month ago

the warning is coming directly from reanimated 3.16, i don't have @gorhom packages still it is showing to me.

It's probably showing because of a difference package that has the same issue.

virendrasingh-tech commented 1 month ago

Yeah, After i have commented some of my code i found that it's coming from react-native-pager-view

the warning is coming directly from reanimated 3.16, i don't have @gorhom packages still it is showing to me.

It's probably showing because of a difference package that has the same issue.

onmotion commented 1 month ago

I guess it came from the BottomSheetView

ludwighen commented 1 month ago

it's true that a few libraries cause this warning, I got it as well from react-native-skia for example. However I think that in 5.0.4 still not all warnings have been removed from the BottomSheet. I get the warning even in an empty bottom sheet where I'm positive I don't use any shared values or other libraries.

I use a wrapper component but maybe some of the props / DOM helps:

      maxDynamicContentSize={maxHeight || height * 0.85}
      animationConfigs={{ duration: 100 }}
      backdropComponent={disableBackdrop ? undefined : renderBackdrop}
      footerComponent={rightButton || customFooter ? renderFooter : undefined}
        backgroundColor: isDarkMode ? '#737373' : '#bbbbbb',
        width: 34,
        backgroundColor: isDarkMode ? '#262626' : '#ffffff',
      snapPoints={snapPoints || undefined}
      keyboardBehavior={enableDynamicSizing ? 'interactive' : 'extend'}
      {isBottomSheetScrollable ? (
      ) : (
          enableFooterMarginAdjustment={!!(customFooter || rightButton)}
          {title && (
              <Heading size="sm" textAlign="center" mb="$2.5" mt="$2">
            pb={hasBottomSafeArea ? bottom : 0}
            px={hasHorizontalPadding ? '$4' : 0}
            mb={title && isScrollable ? 43 : 0}
akuul commented 1 month ago

@gorhom I have removed from BottomSheet the remaining .value dependencies from hooks and put the last if clause inside useEffect. The warning is gone, might be helpful.

if (__DEV__) {
        component: BottomSheet.name,
        method: 'render',
        params: {
          animatedSnapPoints: animatedSnapPoints.value,
          animatedCurrentIndex: animatedCurrentIndex.value,
          providedIndex: _providedIndex,
Noitham commented 1 month ago

Seeing the error too on 5.0.4.

In my case, I use a BottomSheetModal with a BottomSheetView inside of it.

onmotion commented 1 month ago

Seeing the error too on 5.0.4.

In my case, I use a BottomSheetModal with a BottomSheetView inside of it.

same for me, if remove BottomSheetView the warnings are gone

felpereira commented 1 month ago

I am facing the same problem in the code

rxeal commented 1 month ago

You can disable strict mode in the logger configuration by setting strict: false using the configureReanimatedLogger function before creating any animations.

Alternatively, ensure that you read or write to shared values within relevant callbacks (like useAnimatedStyle or useEffect) rather than during the render phase.

If you are stuck, try using react-native-reanimated@3.15.4 as a workaround.

Willham12 commented 1 month ago

here isa fix: https://github.com/gorhom/react-native-bottom-sheet/issues/1983

Raiden-16F7 commented 1 month ago

Im facing this issue on 5.0.4 with reanimated 3.16.1, when i press my TouchableOpacity i get the same log error

        backgroundStyle={{ backgroundColor: theme.colors.background}}
        <BottomSheetScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.sheetContent}>

          <Text style={styles.heading}>Select Consultation Type</Text>
          <View style={styles.consultationContainer}>
            {consultationTypes.map((type) => (
                  selectedConsultation === type && styles.selectedButton,
                onPress={() => {
                  style={[styles.buttonText, selectedConsultation === type && styles.selectedText]}>
inthisar-hamza commented 1 month ago

This Issue is still on version 5.0.4

If you don't want to see this message, you can disable thestrictmode. Refer to: https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/debugging/logger-configuration for more details. (NOBRIDGE) WARN [Reanimated] Reading fromvalueduring component render. Please ensure that you do not access thevalueproperty or usegetmethod of a shared value while React is rendering a component.

gorhom commented 1 month ago

another attempt to fix the issue by @pinpong was released on v5.0.5

vhakulinen commented 1 month ago

I'm still getting warnings on which leads to this: https://github.com/gorhom/react-native-bottom-sheet/blob/4f26c7825e77ea00a227e13e64e023f6c2b1e679/src/components/bottomSheet/BottomSheet.tsx#L173-L182

The props validator is accessing the value property of provided snap points. I noticed (in the past) that the snap points needed to be a derived value (i.e. useDerivedValue) instead of plain numbers on iOS, or otherwise it would get a crash.

outaTiME commented 1 month ago

another attempt to fix the issue by @pinpong was released on v5.0.5

After updating to version 5.0.5, the warnings disappeared for me 🎉

vhakulinen commented 1 month ago

Just to clearify my earlier comment: the snap points must be shared value for the warnings to appear. Using normal values as snap points does not produce any warnings.

khushal87 commented 1 month ago

simulator_screenshot_CDFB5FFE-D400-4F9B-9AC5-419D5AF48193 Seems to occur here as well.

VimukthiShohan commented 3 days ago

This Issue is still on version 5.0.6

(NOBRIDGE) WARN [Reanimated] Reading fromvalueduring component render. Please ensure that you do not access thevalueproperty or usegetmethod of a shared value while React is rendering a component.

If you don't want to see this message, you can disable thestrictmode. Refer to: https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/debugging/logger-configuration for more details.