gorilla / mux

Package gorilla/mux is a powerful HTTP router and URL matcher for building Go web servers with 🦍
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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mux/v2: need feedback #130

Closed moraes closed 8 years ago

moraes commented 8 years ago

I'd like to start a conversation and brainstorm about the future of gorilla/mux.

Background: gorilla/mux has evolved to be the most featureful router in Go, but this came with a price: the API feels bloated and has unneeded complications. It is also far from shining in benchmarks compared to other routers (not that gorilla/mux is a bottleneck to care about, but not-so-shiny numbers give a bad impression to new users).

I'd like to take gorilla/mux to the next level with these goals in mind:

  1. Slim API;
  2. Intuitive usage: simple rules, minimized unexpected behavior;
  3. Improved performance;

After playing around, I came up with an implementation draft that is a radical departure from what gorilla/mux is now, and to achieve the slim-intuitive-fast goals some cuts were made:

...but the most controversial ones are probably:

The initial result is a much slimmer mux which, besides the elemental features (scheme, host, path and method matching), offers some conveniences not easily found in other packages (subrouting, URL building), and a damn high speed (teaser: it almost beats net/http in static matching and knocks out everybody else in matching with variables; and, oh, it doesn't make a single memory allocation for any match — zero, zip, zilch, nada).

But this is not gorilla/mux. It is something else. Maybe it doesn't even exist! Well, maybe it does. Enough teasing for now: I'd like to hear your crazy ideas, frustrations and aspirations for gorilla/mux, and to ask how could we manage an eventual API breakage in the best possible way.

elithrar commented 8 years ago

Other thoughts:

Also worth reading (in case you haven't yet) is the plan to move net/context into the std. lib and make Context part of the http.Request struct: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-dev/cQs1z9LrJDU/6_9FMmGNCQAJ (may factor into design decisions)

Keen to see where this is going.

moraes commented 8 years ago

Edit: I moved the API draft to a gist to update it as proposals arrive. Here it is:


moraes commented 8 years ago

Declaration syntax draft. Nothing is set in stone, etc.

// creates a new router
r := New()

// -------------------------------------------
// basic usage: host, path and method matching
// -------------------------------------------
// matches a static path
r.Handle("/foo/bar", myHandler)
// matches a path with a variable
r.Handle("/foo/{bar}", myHandler)
// matches a path prefix
r.Handle("/foo/{*}", myHandler)
// matches a path with a variable and the given HTTP verb.
r.Handle("/foo/{bar}", myHandler).Methods("GET")
// matches a host and path
r.Handle("www.mydomain.com/foo/bar", myHandler)

// ------------------------------
// extended usage: path subrouter
// ------------------------------
s := r.Sub("/users")
s.Handle("/new", myHandler)      // matches "/users/new"
s2 := s.Sub("/{id}")
s2.Handle("/", myHandler)        // matches "/users/{id}/"
s2.Handle("/tickets", myHandler) // matches "/users/{id}/tickets"

// ------------------------------
// extended usage: host subrouter
// ------------------------------
s := r.Sub("{subdomain}.mydomain.com")
s.Handle("/foo/{bar}", myHandler) // matches "{subdomain}.mydomain.com/foo/{bar}"
kisielk commented 8 years ago

I think we should wait till the net/context situation is resolved before making the API. It could totally change the design and drop the need to use gorilla/context at all. The other option is to build it with the current x/net/context for now and then migrate to the standard library version.

moraes commented 8 years ago

Setting/retrieving variables can be left as "undefined" or "subject to changes" until a context resolution comes, and we take our time to discuss features, declaration syntax and the broader general API.

That said, I'll talk a bit about...

Declaration syntax

The general idea is that we don't need to have Schemes(), Host(), Path() and PathPrefix() methods: we can support them all in the declared pattern to be matched. As mentioned before:

r := mux.New()
r.Handle("/foo", myHandler)     // matches "/foo" in any scheme and host
r.Handle("/bar/{*}", myHandler) // matches the path prefix "/bar/" in any scheme and host
s1 := r.Sub("//{subdomain}.mydomain.com")
s1.Handle("/{baz}", myHandler)   // matches "//{subdomain}.mydomain.com/{baz}" in any scheme
s2 := r.Sub("https://{subdomain}.mydomain.com")
s2.Handle("/{baz}", myHandler)   // matches "https://{subdomain}.mydomain.com/{baz}"


That's all for now. Let me know what you hate most, other ideas etc. :v:

garyburd commented 8 years ago

I like the model where dispatching is logically by path and then method:

type Router interface {
    Route(pattern string) *Route // defines a pattern to match: scheme, host, path and/or path prefix definitions

type Route interface {
    // Get specifies handler for GET and HEAD if not otherwise specified.
    Get(h http.HandlerFunc) Route

    // Post specifies the handler for POST.
    Post(h http.HandlerFunc)  Route

    // Handler specifies the handler the specified methods.  If len(m) == 0, then h is 
    // used as a fallback when there are no specific method matches for the route.
    Handler(h http.HandlerFunc, m ...string) Route 


 r.Route("/a").Handler(aHandler, "GET",  "POST") // GET and POST go to aHandler
 r.Route("/b").Handler(bHandler)  // all methods go to bHandler

If there's no match on method for a given route, than the mux replies with status 405.

garyburd commented 8 years ago

To handle URI path segments containing an encoded "/", the router should dispatch on req.RequestURI instead of req.URL.Path. Matched variables are percent decoded. For example:

r.Handle("/foo/{bar}/baz", serveFooBaz)

matches "/foo/hello%2fworld/baz" with the variable bar set to "hello/world".

garyburd commented 8 years ago

More specific patterns should override less specific patterns. In this example,

r.Handle("/{user}", serveUser)
r.Handle("/help", serveHelp)

the path "/help" should dispatch to serveHelp.

Left to right order should be used as a tiebreaker. In this example

r.Handle("/{user}/followers", serveUserFollwers)
r.Handle("/help/{topic}", serveHelpTopic)

the path "/help/folllowers" should dispatch to serveHelpTopic with variable "topic" set to followers.

garyburd commented 8 years ago

The router should automatically handle redirects for "/" at end of the path.

moraes commented 8 years ago

@margaery: I took a quick look at RFC 6570, and that's a huge spec. We are doing simple string expansion with {name}, which looks like their syntax; but this proposal has a lot more strict rules for their use ("alone in path or host segments"), so the similarity ends where it began. I like that it reminds RFC 6570, though; it suggests that braces are a good choice: they stand out and make variables easy to scan at a glance.


  1. Re: r.RequestURI: good point, or r.URL.RawPath but maybe it is too soon for this one;
  2. Re: More specific patterns have priority and left to right specificity: that's the idea;
  3. Re: redirect path-with-no-trailing-slash to path-with-trailing-slash and vice-versa: it's on the checklist;
  4. Re: r.Route("/foo/{bar}").Get(showFoo).Post(updateFoo) (or .Handler(aHandler, "GET", "POST")): this looks much better than the initial proposal, and makes more sense too.
elithrar commented 8 years ago

Gary's requests are all great - automatic slashes are very useful.

One additional thing on my list: support for automatic OPTIONS responses, whether built-in or via providing a hook to construct the response. Being able to OPTIONS /some-path and get the supported methods makes CORS much easier to reason with.

garyburd commented 8 years ago

Some more suggestions:

elithrar commented 8 years ago
moraes commented 8 years ago

@elithrar: A default OPTIONS handler would be trivial to define, as well as a 405 handler that sets a proper Allow header (somewhat related). This remained unsolvable in current gorilla/mux because the same URL pattern can lead to different Routes, and it is not easy to identify "same URL pattern" because of regexps and separated matchers for host, scheme etc. In the new design each URL pattern always leads to the same Route, which knows about the methods it supports.

@garyburd, @elithrar: RE middleware in subrouters: I think we are again on the right direction here, because subrouters are just dumb factories that create routes with a given pattern prefix (they are not "nested"; they just carry a prefix). A subrouter could also carry a middleware list to pass to routes (or to sub-subrouters, which could have extra middleware). The exact API is something to discuss (.Sub(pattern string, midlewares ...InterfaceOrWhatever) ?).

Re: functional options: I need to think about it. The example was not very obvious to me, but I'm tired or something is missing.

I moved the API draft to a gist to update it as proposals arrive. Here it is:


garyburd commented 8 years ago

@moraes How about creating a repo for the new mux and writing the proposal as godoc? People can propose changes or request features using issues and PRs in that repo.

moraes commented 8 years ago

New repo or new branch? I want to push my prototype in the following days.

garyburd commented 8 years ago

I suggested a new repo because I assumed that the new mux will be published in a new repo. Where do you plan publish the new mux?

elithrar commented 8 years ago

New repo on a non-master branch (and push a one-liner README to the master)? Will prevent people from pulling it 'accidentally'.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 9:28 AM Gary Burd notifications@github.com wrote:

I suggested a new repo because I assumed that the new mux will be published in a new repo. Where do you plan publish the new mux?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/gorilla/mux/issues/130#issuecomment-150998473.

moraes commented 8 years ago

New repo is ok. :) The spice must flow.

moraes commented 8 years ago

This discussion has now its own place: gorilla/muxy. It may be a temporary repo or not. We will see.

Thanks for the great feedback so far. :+1:

CpuID commented 8 years ago

+1 to the idea of returning HTTP 405's in the appropriate places (eg. if a request is made to a URI that has a .Methods() filter on it that doesn't allow it)

elithrar commented 8 years ago

The new (in progress) https://github.com/gorilla/muxy library should be able to handle this.

On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 12:42 PM Nathan Sullivan notifications@github.com wrote:

+1 to the idea of returning HTTP 405's in the appropriate places (eg. if a request is made to a URI that has a .Methods() filter on it that doesn't allow it)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/gorilla/mux/issues/130#issuecomment-169799054.