Ahora el titulo Medical condition 1/2 (y 2/2) se presenta en una pantalla diferente a las instructions:
"Now you will be presented with information about a medical condition and a test to detect it. Please, read it carefully. In the following screens, you will have to answer some questions about this information."
Deberiamos mostrar ambas en la misma pantalla:
Medical condition 1/2
Now you will be presented with information about a medical condition and a test to detect it. Please, read it carefully. In the following screens, you will have to answer some questions about this information.
Ahora el titulo Medical condition 1/2 (y 2/2) se presenta en una pantalla diferente a las instructions:
"Now you will be presented with information about a medical condition and a test to detect it. Please, read it carefully. In the following screens, you will have to answer some questions about this information."
Deberiamos mostrar ambas en la misma pantalla:
Medical condition 1/2
Now you will be presented with information about a medical condition and a test to detect it. Please, read it carefully. In the following screens, you will have to answer some questions about this information.