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Severity emotion scale: REFORMULACION #159

Closed gorkang closed 5 years ago

gorkang commented 5 years ago

A continuacion incluyo una reformulacion completa de la Severity emotion scale. Con esto cerramos #134 #135 #145 y #146 , e incluimos el feedback de Dafina.

IMPORTANTE, copiar y pegar las preguntas tal y como estan aqui (ojala revisando, por si hay algun error). CAMBIAN PRACTICAMENTE TODAS, a veces de maneras no facilmente detectables

Separamos la Severity emotion scale en 3 bloques, cada uno debe empezar con una pantalla con el titulo que se indica:

[Bloque 1] TITULO: Medical screenings and procedures

[Cada pregunta en una pantalla diferente; Random order; OLD sevEmo13 y sevEmo14]

sevEmo_01 Please rate your trust in medical screenings:

0:No trust at all - 100: Total trust

sevEmo_02 Please rate your experienced discomfort undergoing medical tests or procedures that may be painful or unpleasant (mammograms, drawing blood, etc.):

0:No discomfort at all - 100: Extremely discomfortable

[Cada pregunta en una pantalla diferente; Random order; Siempre despues de las 2 preguntas anteriores; OLD sevEmo06 y sevEmo12]

sevEmo_03 Imagine a woman you care about that has breast cancer. How strongly you think she should have a preventive mastectomy (complete removal of a breast to reduce her future risk)?

0:Not strongly at all - 100: Very strongly

sevEmo_04 Imagine a woman you care about that is pregnant with a fetus with Down syndrome. How strongly you think she should have an abortion?

0:Not strongly at all - 100: Very strongly

[Bloque 2] TITULO: How the following medical procedures, issues, and conditions make you feel?

[Cada pregunta en una pantalla diferente; Random order; CAMBIAN OPCIONES DE RESPUESTA Y ESCALA]

sevEmo_05 To what extent would you feel the following if a woman you care about had breast cancer?

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extremely: Assured, Hopeful, Relieved, Anxious, Afraid, Worried

sevEmo_06 Imagine a woman you care about found out that she has a high risk of having breast cancer and decided to have a preventive mastectomy.
To what extent would you feel the following?
[SMALLER FONT] A preventive mastectomy is the complete removal of a breast to reduce the risk of cancer.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extremely: Assured, Hopeful, Relieved, Anxious, Afraid, Worried

sevEmo_07 Imagine a woman you care about had a mastectomy as a result of procedure-related complications during a biopsy. To what extent would you feel the following?
[SMALLER FONT] A procedure-related mastectomy is the removal of a breast because of complications during a medical procedure (for example, a biopsy).
[SMALLER FONT] A biopsy is a diagnostic test to determine whether a breast mass is cancerous. During a biopsy, a thin needle is inserted into the breast to remove tissue samples from the breast mass.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extremely: Assured, Hopeful, Relieved, Anxious, Afraid, Worried

[downsyndrome] sevEmo_08 To what extent would you feel the following if a woman you care about is pregnant with a fetus with Down syndrome?

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extremely: Assured, Hopeful, Relieved, Anxious, Afraid, Worried

sevEmo_09 Imagine a woman you care about found out that she has a high risk of having a child with Down syndrome and decided to have an abortion.
To what extent would you feel the following?

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extremely: Assured, Hopeful, Relieved, Anxious, Afraid, Worried

sevEmo_10 Imagine a woman you care about had a miscarriage as a result of procedure-related complications during an amniocentesis. To what extent would you feel the following?
[SMALLER FONT] Amniocentesis is a diagnostic test to determine whether a child has Down syndrome where a thin needle is inserted into the uterus through the abdomen to get a sample of amniotic fluid.

Not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extremely: Assured, Hopeful, Relieved, Anxious, Afraid, Worried

[Bloque 3] TITULO: Rate the following medical procedures, issues and conditions

[Cada pregunta en una pantalla diferente; Random order]

[breastcancer] sevEmo_11 Please rate breast cancer in the following dimensions:

0:Not at all - 100: Most certainly Severe, Serious, Unpleasant, Horrible

sevEmo_12 Please rate voluntary preventive mastectomy in the following dimensions:
[SMALLER FONT] A preventive mastectomy is the complete removal of a breast to reduce the risk of cancer.

0:Not at all - 100: Most certainly Severe, Serious, Unpleasant, Horrible

sevEmo_13 Please rate procedure-related mastectomy (because of complications during a biopsy) in the following dimensions:
[SMALLER FONT] A procedure-related mastectomy is the removal of a breast because of complications during a medical procedure (for example, a biopsy).
[SMALLER FONT] A biopsy is a diagnostic test to determine whether a breast mass is cancerous. During a biopsy, a thin needle is inserted into the breast to remove tissue samples from the breast mass.

0:Not at all - 100: Most certainly Severe, Serious, Unpleasant, Horrible

[downsyndrome] sevEmo_14 Please rate a pregnancy with a fetus with Down syndrome in the following dimensions:

0:Not at all - 100: Most certainly Severe, Serious, Unpleasant, Horrible

sevEmo_15 Please rate voluntary abortion in the following dimensions:

0:Not at all - 100: Most certainly Severe, Serious, Unpleasant, Horrible

sevEmo_16 Please rate procedure-related miscarriage (because of complications during amniocentesis) in the following dimensions:
[SMALLER FONT] Amniocentesis is a diagnostic test to determine whether a child has Down syndrome where a thin needle is inserted into the uterus through the abdomen to get a sample of amniotic fluid.

0:Not at all - 100: Most certainly Severe, Serious, Unpleasant, Horrible

nik0lai commented 5 years ago

La escala esta implementada (puedes verla en Bayes summary). Un cambio que hice:

Otro asunto, parece ser que Qualtrics implemento algo que estaba advertido hace timpo. Si randomizas preguntas en un bloque se ignoran los saltos de pagina y los display logic. Antes nada pasaba, hoy subi el bloque a qualtrics randomize las preguntas y efectivamente ignoro los saltos de paginas. Para solucionarlo tendre que poner cada pregunta en un bloque distinto y randomizar los bloques en el survey flow.

nik0lai commented 5 years ago

Ahora si quedó lista la escala y las instrucciones para el randomizado en el checklist. En el summary se ve el texto final. Aqui puedes ver un ejemplo de como se ven los items. image