gorkang / R_conditions_creation

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Titulos e instrucciones de Medical conditions juntos #160

Closed gorkang closed 5 years ago

gorkang commented 5 years ago

Ahora mismo tenemos en pantallas diferentes:

Medical condition 1/2

Now you will be presented with information about a medical condition and a test to detect it. Please, read it carefully. In the following screens, you will have to answer some questions about this information.

Medical condition 1/2

Now you will be presented with information about a medical condition and a test to detect it. Please, read it carefully. In the following screens, you will have to answer some questions about this information.

gorkang commented 5 years ago

Es posible que esto ya este resuelto?

Veo esto en complete_export_qualtrics.txt:

# Medical condition block title
med_cond_block_title <-
  "Medical condition BLOCK_NUMBER_0/2" %>% 
  gsub("QUESTION_TEXT_TO_FORMAT", . , html_codes$title_font_size) %>% 
  gsub("STRONGME", ., html_codes$bold)

# Instructions
gen_instructions <- 
  "materials/ppv_instructions/input/ppv_instructions.txt" %>% 
  readChar(., file.size(.)) %>% 
  gsub("\n$", "", .) %>% 
  gsub("QUESTION_TEXT_TO_FORMAT", ., html_codes$question_font_size)

# Combine title with instructions
med_cond_block_title <- paste(med_cond_block_title, gen_instructions, sep = '\n\n')
gorkang commented 5 years ago

Cierro el issue asumiendo que la solucion ya esta implementada.