gorkang / R_conditions_creation

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Fix follow-up displaying to show info-filled follow-up items without placeholders #50

Closed nik0lai closed 6 years ago

nik0lai commented 6 years ago

Right now the follow-up items are displayed with placeholders only.

pr_fu_riskhigh [followUp_start] Remember that:
In your response to the previous problem you said that, of those with positive results, qualtrics_ppv_answer actually have breast cancer.
[followUp_first_piece] Imagine a woman you care about is participating in a routine prenatal screening test to detect Down’s syndrome as the one you saw before, and she receives a positive result.

[followUp_second_piece] The doctor offers her a follow-up test called amniocentesis, necessary to confirm the diagnosis. During the procedure, a needle is inserted to sample fluid from the amniotic sac.

[followUp_third_piece] Amniocentesis has a 10% procedure-related risk of complications (for example, infections) that can result in a miscarriage. [followUp_end]
nik0lai commented 6 years ago

displaying now uses remove placeholders