gornostal / Modific

Highlight lines changed since the last commit (supports Git, SVN, Bazaar, Mercurial and TFS) / ST2(3) plugin
614 stars 44 forks source link

Changes not shown, most commands have no effect #28

Closed Nachtschatten closed 11 years ago

Nachtschatten commented 11 years ago


I'm a Bazaar user. I installed Modific via Package Control.

For me, modified lines aren't highlighted and icons are not displayed. For a file from a project managed with Bazaar, only "Modific: Show diff" is present in the command palette, however, selecting it only closes the palette and does nothing else. "View uncommitted files in a quick panel" works when pressing its shortcut. Other commands, like preview, are missing from the command palette and their shortcuts have no effect.

I already tried the following: Restarting Sublime Text, changing the colour scheme and restarting, uninstalling and reinstalling Modific via Package Control, changing Modific user settings so bzr is on top of the vcs prority. After seeing bug #25, I set "svn_use_internal_diff" to false, just in case. Nothing of that solved my problem.

This is my configuration: Sublime Text 2, build 2220, 64bit Bazaar 2.5.1, the path to its binaries is included in PATH Windows 8 Release Preview, Build 8400, 64bit

Thanks in advance.

gornostal commented 11 years ago

Hi, It might be an error somewhere in the plugin. Try to open console (Ctrl+`) and probably you'll see the exact error message.

Nachtschatten commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately, there's no error message in the console. Setting "debug" to true made no difference, there's no console output from Modific. As an additional test, I tried opening a file from a Mercurial-managed project. Modific works there, so this problem seems to concern the Bazaar integration only. I hope that info helps. Is there something else I could try?

gornostal commented 11 years ago

Do you have folder .bzr in the root of your working directory?

Nachtschatten commented 11 years ago


gornostal commented 11 years ago

I will try to reproduce this situation on my Windows machine. I hope I can do this on weekends.

You can try to add more debug info to the plugin if you know Python syntax. Maybe you will figure this out on your own.

Hofferic commented 11 years ago

I have the same problem (and tried the same methods to remedy it, with the same results - none whatsoever) and thought it might help to get different specs that result in the same Problem.

Also I am NOT using Bazaar, but rather a simple svn-server in the local network, so the problem is probably not related to that!

Sublime Text 2.0.1 x64 Build 2217 (but I think I might upgrade to at least 2220 as from op it seems to be available, if that fixes the problem i will come back here to announce it) Subversion cli-interface v1.7.6.60057 Python 2.7.3 Windows 8 Pro RTM Build 9200 (Yay to being a Computer Science Student :D)

There are two correlations between Nachtschatten and me as far as I can tell: First, judging from their username, Nachtschatten is German (though this should be of no consequence, but there have been language-setting-related problems before...) and we are both using Windows 8. As I switched only a couple of days ago and did not really pay attention until today (while looking for some modification), I can not attest to Modific ever working on Windows 8, so more info from Nachtschatten might help.

And regardless of this error, Modific is great, so thanks for creating it in the first place.

timonwong commented 11 years ago

I have the same problem, I've found that Modific didn't work at all since last update, I think it belons to this issue: #27

I found the following snippet will return false because a file not found error:

        if not os.path.exists(filename) or os.path.getsize(filename) > max_file_size:

Changed to this seems fix that problem:

        if not os.path.exists(filepath) or os.path.getsize(filepath) > max_file_size:
Soulsbane commented 11 years ago

Same problem with git also. timonwong's fix got Modific working again though. Thanks!

gornostal commented 11 years ago

I've checked this plugin on the linux and Win 7 and it works fine. I will try to install Win 8 this week.

@Soulsbane what OS do you use?

lwille commented 11 years ago

+1 for @timonwong 's fix on OSX

Nachtschatten commented 11 years ago

First, judging from their username, Nachtschatten is German (though this should be of no consequence, but there have been language-setting-related problems before...) and we are both using Windows 8.

You guessed right. :) To cross-check, I booted up my good old Vista laptop (32bit, Service Pack 2) yesterday and encountered the same problem there. So this doesn't seem to be limited to Windows 8. I've only become a user of Sublime Text recently, so unfortunately I can't comment on if it worked previously.

Hofferic commented 11 years ago

+1 for @timonwong from me aswell, his comment is all that was needed to get everything running again in my case.

Soulsbane commented 11 years ago

Yeah, sorry forgot os. I'm using Linux Mint 13 KDE edition 64bit.

gornostal commented 11 years ago

Okay, I guess I've fixed this issue. Thanks to @timonwong It was my stupid mistake. Sorry it took so long.

gornostal commented 11 years ago

Somehow this plugin was working for me and I thought it was problem with bazaar. And I didn't pay much attention to the proposed solution.

I am closing this issue. If anyone is still experiencing it, please, reopen.

Nachtschatten commented 11 years ago

I can confirm that everything works now. Thank you a lot, and of course thanks to @timonwork for the proposed solution.