goscommons / goscommons.github.io

Main repository of GO!Commons, where general guidelines, services, workflows and community organization takes place.
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Register organization #26

Closed jurra closed 6 years ago

jurra commented 6 years ago

About incorporating as an association in Netherlands

Within the team some of us have been thinking about what organization would work best for GO!Commons. It is important to become an entity when looking for partners, institutions and companies interested in our org. So far we think that in the context of Netherlands an Association would be the best option. Please check this link.

Why becoming an association

  1. Credibility is important when approaching people and partners. One of the first question that come across is what are you, and how many are you. It makes a difference when we are bounded to a legal entity.
  2. It help us create more visibility, and to become more responsible with what we are trying to accomplish.
  3. It is open enough to foster the open source community and ecosystem we are trying to build up collaboratively. Other business types of organizations are narrowed like cooperatives, nonprofit organizations or companies. They can be crucial partners, but bounded to the rules of the community/ Association.

    Different memberships for different levels of participation and engagement

    So far we have a proposal that can become the basis for the statutes of the association. These are the ideas we currently have in mind, from less to more engagement: 1st Level Membership. By stating that you are interested in becoming a contributor, and reading also the contribution guidelines, you can already become a member of GO!Commons. This happens automatically once you make a github account and you are accepted by the community within the github organization.

2nd Level Membership. You participate in growing piggy bank to pay development costs. You can pay a fee ranging from 3 to 50 EUR for a minimum of 6 months to help us grow our development budget together. This automatically gives you the right to vote on options of budget spending. Also you have the right to ask or receive dedicated training on advanced open source development methodologies (Scrum, Agile development, Leadership, Repository Management). If you stop the donation scheme you still have 3 months of 2nd level membership rights.

3rd Level Membership Being a major contributor, which means committing 10 hours a week for 90 days (3 months), in prioritized tasks, gives you same rights as the above membership.

4th Level Membership All start contributor category. Are those who on a case to case basis have deliver amazing amount of time and work done (for sure, for more than a year), and are recognized by the community as their champions. They propose and lead projects, they are great facilitators, and givers to the community, they are the leaders coming bottom up, earning these category as a recognition of their amazing work.

jurra commented 6 years ago

A put a sample document of association statutes in google docs, to start building from there. These was copied from a sample document I found googling, it is just a reference to start taking or puting stuff.