gosexy / redis

Redis client for Go that maps the full redis command list into equivalent Go functions.
MIT License
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BLPop using timeout as list key, ignoring first string argument #14

Closed ihsw closed 11 years ago

ihsw commented 11 years ago


v, err := r.BLPop(5, "A", "B", "C")

Results in MONITOR via redis-cli:

1379287885.511023 [0] "BLPOP" "5" "B" "C" ""
xiam commented 11 years ago

This was reported and fixed some months ago: https://github.com/gosexy/redis/commit/e7af22fa44064febd69384b2af855fe46091b6a7, please try to update the package

go get -u menteslibres.net/gosexy/redis

This is a log from MONITOR

1379339834.911861 [0] "BLPOP" "A" "B" "C" "5"
ihsw commented 11 years ago

Yes I read that, however I experienced this issue about a day ago.

xiam commented 11 years ago

That's really odd, if go get -u does not work, then you can try:

cd $GOPATH/src/menteslibres.net/gosexy/redis && git checkout master && git pull origin master && go install