goshante / ats20_ats_ex

Advanced and re-imagined firmware for ATS-20 Receiver based on Si4735 (or Si4732). Прошивка с расширенным функционалом.
MIT License
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error loading Hex #4

Closed spirit89 closed 3 months ago

spirit89 commented 3 months ago

Ok everything was working great until the second V1.14 and up. The first V1.14 worked and all down. The first V1.14 March 26 worked. I went back to GitHub there was second V1.14 March 27 on loading that file error and the am/fm scan and some other function not working. went back to V1.13 loaded, and everything works. This is the best program for the ats20. Thank you Dave

goshante commented 3 months ago

Try 1.15

spirit89 commented 3 months ago

Ok 1.15 still gives error loading and the scan same as 1.14. loaded 1.13 back on no errors everything works. My radio has nano on a board off of the main board.

goshante commented 3 months ago

@spirit89 I tried it myself again and it flashes with no problems. It might be your local problem. I had such problems when I used low power USB, underpowered Arduino Nano can cause problems like that. I usually connect usb to USB 3.0 slot (it uses USB 2.0 but USB 3.0 slots can provide a little bit more power). Also I usually turn on my receiver before flashing. And ensure you have 57600 baudrate. Some people also encountered such problem as you, but in most cases firmware itself doesn't affect process of it's own flashing. Try to flash your arduino with dummy firmware (empty project) and try 1.15 again.

spirit89 commented 3 months ago

Tried USB 3.0 and dummy firmware now it loads 1.15. But now have auto scan problem like the one you closed. scans to the first station. push it again you can hear it scanning but not changing display and then the audio's back to the first station with display. manual tuning works. If I go back to 1.13 scanning ok. Thanks for all the help..

goshante commented 3 months ago

@spirit89 I fixed stucked scan in v1.17 you could try it now If it stuck again just press it once more or make few steps forward