Warning is being thrown when creating or listing an account using something like the following:
import shippo
from shippo.models import components, operations
from shippo.debug import DebugSession
#debug_session = DebugSession()
shippo_api_key = '<SHIPPO_API_KEY>'
s = shippo.Shippo(api_key_header=shippo_api_key)
req = components.ConnectExistingOwnAccountRequest(
parameters={"api_version": 4, "username": "<client_id>", "password": "<client_password>", "pickup_no": "<dhl_pickup_no>", "facility_code": "<facility_code>"},
car_req = operations.ListCarrierAccountsRequest(carrier='dhl_ecommerce')
car = s.carrier_accounts.list(car_req)
for x in car.results:
print(f'carrier_account number: {x.account_id}\nobject_id: {x.object_id}')
except shippo.models.errors.sdkerror.SDKError:
print(f'There was an exception' )
The warning presented is:
/Users/xxxx/hippo/pip_examples/sdk_venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dataclasses_json/core.py:336: UserWarning: Failed to decode {'access_token': '******', 'valid_until': '******', 'expires_in': '******', 'username': 'xxxxxx', 'password': '******', 'pickup_no': 'xxxxxx', 'facility_code': 'xxxxxxx'} Union dataclasses.Expected Union to include a matching dataclass and it didn't.
/Users/xxxx/hippo/pip_examples/sdk_venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dataclasses_json/core.py:336: UserWarning: Failed to decode {'access_token': '******', 'valid_until': '******', 'expires_in': '******', 'username': 'xxxxxxxx', 'password': '******', 'pickup_no': 'xxxxxxx', 'facility_code': 'xxxxxxxx'} Union dataclasses.Expected Union to include a matching dataclass and it didn't.
For this line:
car_req = operations.ListCarrierAccountsRequest(carrier='dhl_ecommerce')
Why aren't we using the Enum like this?
car_req = ListCarrierAccountsRequest(carrier=CarriersEnum.DHL_ECOMMERCE)
@jfriedr Can you share what data types are being passed in for all the parameter values?
Most likely there is an error serializing the parameters into the default Union[Dict[str|any]] type here
I created a test for it but need closer to the real data to potentially cause it to fail. See here
Warning is being thrown when creating or listing an account using something like the following:
The warning presented is: