gosling-lang / gos

A declarative interactive genomics visualization library for Python.
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visibility_lt (or other visibility functions) will not accept "zoomLevel" as a "measure" argument #117

Closed sapoudel closed 1 year ago

sapoudel commented 2 years ago

In the gosling website, there is an example of setting up visibility based on zoomLevel instead of width|height. If I try to set the visibility by passing zoomLevel to the measure parameter, I get schema validation error.

seq_info = seq_track.mark_text(
    x=gos.X("start:G", linkingId='detail-1'),

The code above gives:

SchemaValidationError: Invalid specification

        gosling.schema.core.VisibilityCondition->0->measure, validating 'enum'

        'zoomLevel' is not one of ['width', 'height']

However, I can pass width as a measure which passes the schema validation, then manually edit the json to zoomLevel and it will give me the exact behavior I am expecting i.e. mark appears when the zoomLevel is at < 10,000 bp. It would be nice to be able to use the function to set measure as zoomLevel instead of setting it up manually.

sehilyi commented 2 years ago

Hi @sapoudel,

It's odd that you are confronting the schema error. Unless you are using the |xe-x| threshold, it should pass the schema validation. We have working demos on gos documentation (https://gosling-lang.github.io/gos/gallery/multiscale_lollipop_plot.html?highlight=zoomlevel) and Google Colab Notebook (https://colab.research.google.com/github/gosling-lang/gos-example/blob/main/notebooks/clinvar.ipynb#scrollTo=2625018b) that uses zoomLevel.

Could you share your Gos version as well as the full Gos code with the error?

sapoudel commented 2 years ago

Hey @sehilyi, The gosling version might be the issue! I am currently using version: gosling 0.0.11 pypi_0 pypi gosling-widget 0.0.2 pypi_0 pypi

I am using this version due to issue #102 regarding non-human data which @manzt put together a quick fix for. If that has been pushed to main/latest version I will switch over. Thanks!