scrape data data from Google Maps. Extracts data such as the name, address, phone number, website URL, rating, reviews number, latitude and longitude, reviews,email and more for each place
root@v2202309155727239413:~/code/google-maps-scraper# go build
vendor/ undefined: playwright.BrowserNewContextOptionsViewport
gmaps/job.go:96:16: page.WaitForNavigation undefined (type playwright.Page has no field or method WaitForNavigation)
gmaps/job.go:96:45: undefined: playwright.PageWaitForNavigationOptions
gmaps/place.go:80:16: page.WaitForNavigation undefined (type playwright.Page has no field or method WaitForNavigation)
gmaps/place.go:80:45: undefined: playwright.PageWaitForNavigationOptions
I executed the commands from this section but get the above error. The error is on my debian server with go version 1.21.1. I have the same go version on my local machine and it worked there. I tried cleaning the cache wit these commands but it did not help
go clean -cache go clean -modcache
I executed the commands from this section but get the above error. The error is on my debian server with go version 1.21.1. I have the same go version on my local machine and it worked there. I tried cleaning the cache wit these commands but it did not help
go clean -cache go clean -modcache