riparian connectivity and mesic resources is not a priority. A number of resources exist and would complicate in-the-field application of potential results.
backbone connectivity of CSAs/GOAs is a good thing and would be used as inputs to other sub-team modules
interest in downscaling R&R. Set up converstation with John Bradford. use refined landforms (updated DEM) with response variable being % cheatgrass invasion and generate a higher res, continuous valued R&R (perhaps one for resistance, one for resilience?). Then, use it to inform RAD (or RAAD, +all good). use the probabilities to inform likelihood of success measure that Chad discussed.
deliverables by 2023.
regarding LAND USE: put together thoughts on what direction that effort might go, what resources are needed (energy, res, cropland expansion, etc.)
work with Jason R. to develop a MCDA modeling approach.
Other topics:
enforce CRS transform
general maintenance and updates to include RAPv3.0, NLCD updates, burn severity rather than fire perimeter
HM - work on explanation to remove the thinking that it is too complicated. circular argument of simpler variables that then need to be aggregated. Maybe bring out major stressor classes?
To Do:
provide short note with how much of $72k is left for 2022. what is needed for 2023.
Conversation with Kevin D.
Take-aways from workshop:
Other topics:
To Do: