gotechdigital / oc-serverpilot

Awebsome.ServerPilot, is a plugin for manage your resources of ServerPilot from your OctoberCMS
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link

Enfoque y nuevos cambios entrantes. #18

Open LucasZdv opened 6 years ago

LucasZdv commented 6 years ago

October Awebsome.ServerPilot

Este Plugin de OctoberCMS, se enfoca en facilitar el manejo de proyectos personales y clientes con ServerPilot y DigitalOcean, para equipos de desarrollo de aplicaciones en OctoberCMS y Laravel.

¿Por que ServerPilot?

Durante varios años de mi actividad en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en PHP, he tenido muchos dolores de cabezas al momento de encontrar una buena herramienta de manejo de servidores, tanto para mis proyectos personales como pequeños clientes. He pasado por varios proveedores de hosting compartidos y vps.

  • Hosting compartidos con cPanel como:
    • Hostgator, Bluehost y Wiroos.
  • Cosas terroríficas como:
    • Goddady o Datattec.
  • Self-hosting VPS con:
    • Vesta, Ajenti, Virtualmin, y WHM/cPanel.

Es posible que te sientas identificad@ con esto.

A comienzos del 2016 me registré en buscando una herramienta de administración de aplicaciones Laravel & OctoberCMS también que tuviese una API disponible para poder centralizar el manejo de mis aplicaciones. A poco más de dos años utilizando ServerPilot jamás he tenido algún problema en mi experiencia se resume a lo que dice en su portada:

The best way to run WordPress and PHP sites. Simple, fast, secure hosting on your DigitalOcean servers.

Convencido de haber encontrado la herramienta adecuada para el manejo de aplicaciones. el 8 de Agosto del 2016 publiqué la primera versión estable en el Marketplace de OctoberCMS

Free Incoming Updates:

Estás invitado a participar de estas actualizaciones!

gtrivisonno commented 6 years ago


October Awebsome.ServerPilot

This OctoberCMS plug in focuses on facilitating the management of personal projects and client projects with ServerPilot and DigitalOcean, for deveolopers teams that develop with OctoberCMS and Laravel

Why ServerPilot?

For several years in my activity in the development of web apps in PHP I've had lots of headaches whenever I tried to find a good tool for the management of servers, both for my personal projects and for small customers.

I've used many shared hosting and vps.

  • Shared hosting with cPanel such as:
    • Hostgator, bluehost y wiroos
  • Awful things such as:
    • Goddady o Datattec
  • Self-hosting VPS con: -Vesta, Ajenti, Virtualmin y WHM/cPanel

It's possible that you feel identified with this.

In the early 2016 I registered in trying to find a tool for managing Laravel and octobercms and also something I could centralize the use of my apps with. It's been more than two years since I started using ServerPilot and I've never had a problema of any sort. My experience it's like what says in its cover

"The best way to run WordPress and PHP sites. Simple, fast, secure hosting in your DigitalOcean servers"

Convinced that I have found the right tool for the management of apps, I published the first stable version on the Marketplace de OctoberCMS

Free Incoming Updates:

You probably don't work alone and sometimes your workmates need you or you need an Administrator to create/update or deleting an app. That's why we are going to use user roles to allow management of a whole server or an specific app.

I personally enjoy working from a console. We are going to create a series of commands which will allow us to manage our apps really quick

It will allow us to create backups and clones for development environments and staging areas.

You're invited to participate in this updates!