[ ] Change text colors and backgrounds to match the Figma
[ ] Change FAQ colors
[x] Change button decals (there are three different button versions for each color. The blank one is the default, the one with some vines will be for hover, and the one covered fully in vines will be for clicking. These assets seem to be different sizes, which may cause issues, so if they do, I’d talk to design about redesigning them to make them all the same size)
P.S. Don’t worry about updating the navbar or the footer - those are for other tasks!
This task involves updating the themed site with the new assets from the Design team’s Figma page. (https://www.figma.com/design/wYIf6kQ0r033Tgd9n7HJaO/2024-Themed-Site?node-id=383-134&t=H7miYWjC2BPRustW-0) Important: Please wait a few days before starting this task in order to give the directors some time to merge the previous sprint’s pull requests. To-Do
P.S. Don’t worry about updating the navbar or the footer - those are for other tasks!