gotestyourself / gotestsum

'go test' runner with output optimized for humans, JUnit XML for CI integration, and a summary of the test results.
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Strange output with testname format and coverprofile #391

Open brvoisin opened 4 months ago

brvoisin commented 4 months ago


I created a small Go module for the example:

tree .
├── anotherpkg
│   └── anotherpkg.go
├── apackage
│   ├── apackage.go
│   └── apackage_test.go
├── cover.txt
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── hello.go
└── hello_test.go

2 directories, 8 files

When I run the command

gotestsum --format testname

the output is normal:

PASS TestHello (0.00s)
PASS . (cached)
EMPTY anotherpkg
PASS apackage.TestFoo (0.00s)
PASS apackage (cached)

DONE 2 tests in 0.037s

But when I run the command to have the coverage

gotestsum --format testname -- ./... -coverprofile=cover.txt

the output is:

PASS TestHello (0.00s)
coverage: 0.0% of statements
    example/hello/anotherpkg        coverage: 0.0% of statements
PASS apackage.TestFoo (0.00s)
PASS . (coverage: 0.0% of statements)
coverage: 100.0% of statements
EMPTY anotherpkg (coverage: 0.0% of statements)
PASS apackage (coverage: 100.0% of statements)

DONE 2 tests in 0.154s

I don't understand the line order and there are duplicated information like

example/hello/anotherpkg        coverage: 0.0% of statements


EMPTY anotherpkg (coverage: 0.0% of statements)

Do you know how to have an output more readable?

FYI, without the testname format it's okay:

gotestsum -- ./... -coverprofile=cover.txt
✓  . (2ms) (coverage: 0.0% of statements)
∅  anotherpkg (3ms) (coverage: 0.0% of statements)
✓  apackage (1ms) (coverage: 100.0% of statements)

DONE 2 tests in 0.112s
dnephin commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the bug report! When I was added tests for a change to coverage support I recall there being problems with the testname format when -coverprofile is enabled.

The formatters take the Output field from the events described in and attempt to display the correct ones. The bug seems to be that coverprofile adds extra Output lines that aren't handled correctly.

It's also possible this output has changed in a more recent version of Go, and that may be why there are extra lines now.

The code for the testname format is here:

If you can share the go test -json output, that should help fix the problem.

brvoisin commented 4 months ago

I use Go version 1.22.

$ go version
go version go1.22.1 linux/amd64

Below the output of go test -json without and with -coverprofile:

$ go test -json ./...
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:49.992599308+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello/anotherpkg","Output":"?   \texample/hello/anotherpkg\t[no test files]\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:49.993365569+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello","Test":"TestHello","Output":"=== RUN   TestHello\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:49.99339785+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello","Test":"TestHello","Output":"--- PASS: TestHello (0.00s)\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:49.993696835+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello","Output":"ok  \texample/hello\t0.001s\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:50.005637775+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello/apackage","Test":"TestFoo","Output":"=== RUN   TestFoo\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:50.005688205+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello/apackage","Test":"TestFoo","Output":"--- PASS: TestFoo (0.00s)\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:50.006033933+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello/apackage","Output":"ok  \texample/hello/apackage\t0.001s\n"}
$ go test -json ./... -coverprofile=cover.txt
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:54.459805312+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello","Test":"TestHello","Output":"=== RUN   TestHello\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:54.45983974+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello","Test":"TestHello","Output":"--- PASS: TestHello (0.00s)\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:54.459854333+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello","Output":"coverage: 0.0% of statements\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:54.45987908+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello/apackage","Test":"TestFoo","Output":"=== RUN   TestFoo\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:54.459898106+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello/apackage","Test":"TestFoo","Output":"--- PASS: TestFoo (0.00s)\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:54.460030451+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello","Output":"ok  \texample/hello\t0.001s\tcoverage: 0.0% of statements\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:54.460176944+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello/apackage","Output":"coverage: 100.0% of statements\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:54.460359785+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello/apackage","Output":"ok  \texample/hello/apackage\t0.001s\tcoverage: 100.0% of statements\n"}
{"Time":"2024-03-26T09:09:54.465235329+01:00","Action":"output","Package":"example/hello/anotherpkg","Output":"\texample/hello/anotherpkg\t\tcoverage: 0.0% of statements\n"}
jorgepsmatos commented 2 weeks ago

I have the same issue. Any updates regarding this?