Closed SilentGopherLnx closed 5 years ago
I am unsure whether this is desired behaviour or not. Try writing the same application in C or Vala in order to test it out. Also, why are you doing this:
for {
Did anyone recommend you to do so?
is it not equivalent to the following: gtk.Main() ? My full code looks like this:
go start_async_loading(chan_var)
for {
select {
case loaded_data := <-chan_var:
ok. This solved my problem =) scroll.SetEvents(int(gdk.ALL_EVENTS_MASK))
Have you managed doing this via trial and error? Or does the documentation recommend you to do so? Because this seems a bit odd to me. Maybe it doesn't even make sense to count the scrolling event while a mouse-button is down.
Yes, via trial and error. I am creating file manager (look at my repos). Such programs usually allow to select files by mouse. So I needed scroll to work.
Mouse wheel not work if mouse button is keeping pressed. No reaction in event listener and in ScrolledWindow. Is this "gotk" bug or I should change something in code?
Small example code: