gotr00t0day / spyhunt

recon for bug hunters
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Not sure if this is even an issue or it's just mis-config #35

Closed damonsalvtore closed 2 months ago

damonsalvtore commented 2 months ago

So after successfully running pip3 install -r requirements.txt , i moved on to run, but at the end of it, i'm getting this

`Saving to: 100%[=======================================================================================================================================>] 5.93M 6.25MB/s in 0.9s

2024-06-16 16:05:54 (6.25 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [6222833/6222833]

/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to paramspider
Cloning into 'paramspider'...
ERROR: You must give at least one requirement to install (see "pip help install")
remote: Enumerating objects: 317, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (79/79), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (40/40), done. remote: Total 317 (delta 47), reused 40 (delta 39), pack-reused 238 Receiving objects: 100% (317/317), 383.76 KiB | 3.52 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (164/164), done. `

so what I'm trying to understand is, that the error that it's showing is that the system couldn't cd into paramspider (mostly because it was yet remaining to clone) and it also wasn't able to run pip-3 install -r requirements.text ( also suspected , because the repo was yet to be cloned for paramspider). so i just want to know and confirm if my installation for spyhunt has been done correctly by me or not.

mayormaynotbeano commented 2 months ago

Hi! Indeed, it tries to cd into the dir before the dir is cloned. Hence the error suggesting that no requirements are found to install. For my own script, i have added delays so that it has more time to complete every task.

damonsalvtore commented 2 months ago

Hi! Indeed, it tries to cd into the dir before the dir is cloned. Hence the error suggesting that no requirements are found to install. For my own script, i have added delays so that it has more time to complete every task.

Hello. Thank you for providing clarification and verifying my suspicion. However, my primary concern was whether everything was installed correctly—that is, whether all required repos and resources were installed—or if something still needed to be installed because of this directory issue.

mayormaynotbeano commented 2 months ago

Hi! Indeed, it tries to cd into the dir before the dir is cloned. Hence the error suggesting that no requirements are found to install. For my own script, i have added delays so that it has more time to complete every task.

Hello. Thank you for providing clarification and verifying my suspicion. However, my primary concern was whether everything was installed correctly—that is, whether all required repos and resources were installed—or if something still needed to be installed because of this directory issue.

My guess is that you have to run the script again. If i am not mistaken, it checks if some of the packages are installed or not, and it will run the script within paramspider to install the dependencies.

damonsalvtore commented 2 months ago

My guess is that you have to run the script again. If i am not mistaken, it checks if some of the packages are installed or not, and it will run the script within paramspider to install the dependencies.

Yaa i tried that, but it said can't clone into paramspider as the dir already exists , and if i try renaming it and then try again, we're again on step 1 of the issue. :cry:

mayormaynotbeano commented 2 months ago

My guess is that you have to run the script again. If i am not mistaken, it checks if some of the packages are installed or not, and it will run the script within paramspider to install the dependencies.

Yaa i tried that, but it said can't clone into paramspider as the dir already exists , and if i try renaming it and then try again, we're again on step 1 of the issue. :cry:

I would advise installing the libraries yourself by going into the paramspider dir and doing a pip install -r requirements.txt .

damonsalvtore commented 2 months ago

I would advise installing the libraries yourself by going into the paramspider dir and doing a pip install -r requirements.txt .

there is no file as requirement.txt

mayormaynotbeano commented 2 months ago

I would advise installing the libraries yourself by going into the paramspider dir and doing a pip install -r requirements.txt .

there is no file as requirement.txt

I mean, sorry im out of coffee so i am not as sharp 😂. Try running python3 within the paramspider folder. It wont do a lot im guessing, because it just installs requests and colorama.

damonsalvtore commented 2 months ago

I can do that, but it still doesn't solve my primary concern. The concern is whether everything is installed or not, and now when I have opened the for spyunt itself. I have noticed that after paramspider there is still assetfinder to be installed.

Here's the code from the file : Screenshot 2024-06-21 18_49_26

And yes i did cross-check it, the asset finder directory is missing.

mayormaynotbeano commented 2 months ago

I can do that, but it still doesn't solve my primary concern. The concern is whether everything is installed or not, and now when I have opened the for spyunt itself. I have noticed that after paramspider there is still assetfinder to be installed.

Here's the code from the file : Screenshot 2024-06-21 18:45:07

And yes i did cross-check it, the asset finder directory is missing.

I know what you mean now. Yeah it is a concern that it happens. As I mentioned before, I added sleep statements to my script so that this doesnt happen. For now you could try to comment out the paramspider part of the script to start installing assetfinder (or pull it by hand), but that isn't a pretty solution.

damonsalvtore commented 2 months ago

I know what you mean now. Yeah it is a concern that it happens. As I mentioned before, I added sleep statements to my script so that this doesnt happen. For now you could try to comment out the paramspider part of the script to start installing assetfinder (or pull it by hand), but that isn't a pretty solution.

Yaa I see. I tried commenting out the paramspider part but yet assetfinder is nowhere to be found. maybe I guess now I'll just wait for someone to update the and remove all the mv/cd errors in it :sweat_smile:

gotr00t0day commented 2 months ago

I can do that, but it still doesn't solve my primary concern. The concern is whether everything is installed or not, and now when I have opened the for spyunt itself. I have noticed that after paramspider there is still assetfinder to be installed.

Here's the code from the file : Screenshot 2024-06-21 18_49_26

And yes i did cross-check it, the asset finder directory is missing.

What assetfinder directory? the go install command installs assetfinder to ~/go/bin and then moves it to your path. There shouldn't be an assetfinder directory

gotr00t0day commented 2 months ago

I would advise installing the libraries yourself by going into the paramspider dir and doing a pip install -r requirements.txt .

there is no file as requirement.txt

pip3 install .

Immxdium commented 2 months ago

Yeah, I am having the same issue with installing it also. I just can't seem to find the paramspider file to do a

gotr00t0day commented 2 months ago

Yeah, I am having the same issue with installing it also. I just can't seem to find the paramspider file to do a

You can also do this manually

damonsalvtore commented 2 months ago

Sorry i missed some of the sbove comments. I think the issue/misconfig has been addressed properly.