gottstech / gotts

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Support SSDP in LAN #19

Open garyyu opened 4 years ago

garyyu commented 4 years ago

Currently we limit the connection in the same NAT address: only one connection is allowed .

    /// Checks whether there's any reason we don't want to accept an incoming peer
    /// connection. There can be a few of them:
    /// 1. Accepting the peer connection would exceed the configured maximum allowed
    /// inbound peer count. Note that seed nodes may wish to increase the default
    /// value for PEER_LISTENER_BUFFER_COUNT to help with network bootstrapping.
    /// A default buffer of 8 peers is allowed to help with network growth.
    /// 2. The peer has been previously banned and the ban period hasn't
    /// expired yet.
    /// 3. We're already connected to a peer at the same IP. While there are
    /// many reasons multiple peers can legitimately share identical IP
    /// addresses (NAT), network distribution is improved if they choose
    /// different sets of peers themselves. In addition, it prevent potential
    /// duplicate connections, malicious or not.
    fn check_undesirable(&self, stream: &TcpStream) -> bool {

At this moment, I don't want to change this behaviour, but In case someone have multiple node servers running in the same NAT, these servers can't connect to each other because above limitation.

A simple solution to solve this is to use the SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol), allowing the node servers discovery each other in same LAN and connect each other.

A Rust SSDP crate can be used for this:

Note: To avoid the LAN ip address publishing to peers network, the GetPeerAddrs protocol response should skip all these LAN ip addresses.