gotwarlost / istanbul

Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale.
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Broken with ES6 file processing #329

Open tracker1 opened 9 years ago

tracker1 commented 9 years ago

Relates to #66 - I am using: "istanbul": "git://"

Running the following: iojs --es_staging --harmony_arrow_functions node_modules/istanbul/lib/cli cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- -R spec --recursive ./test/unit/

Testing against this script

I'm seeing the following output...

michaelr@ubuntu:~/src/$ npm run cover

> cc-config@1.0.0 cover /home/michaelr/src/
> iojs --es_staging --harmony_arrow_functions node_modules/istanbul/lib/cli cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- -R spec --recursive ./test/unit/

Transformation error; return original code
[TypeError: Cannot read property 'children' of undefined]

...(mocha results follow)...
tracker1 commented 9 years ago

The parser demo seems to be able to parse it fine.. not sure where the error is coming from...

chrisveness commented 9 years ago

I'm just trying istanbul, and have encountered a similar error.

It appears to come from istanbul/lib/hook.js line 53 (within transformFn()), where when a 'transformer' is invoked it throws the TypeError.

However, I've no idea what is going on there!

Istanbul appears to run fine, despite the errors.

gotwarlost commented 9 years ago

Istanbul doesn't yet support arrow functions even in the harmony branch

tracker1 commented 9 years ago

Closing as this is currently unsupported. For anyone else coming across this issue, here is the scripts section of my package.json, which is now showing coverage properly, and generating reports... I'm using babel-node (installed via babel) with isparta which wraps istanbul.


npm install --save-dev rimraf babel eslint isparta


  "config": {
    "MOCHA_OPTS": "--recursive test/unit/",
    "ISPARTA_OPTS": "--report html",
    "COVERAGE_OPTS": "--statements 100 --functions 100 --branches 100 --lines 100"
  "scripts": {
    "clean": "rimraf ./dist",
    "build": "babel ./src --experimental --source-maps-inline -d ./dist",
    "lint": "npm run lint-src && npm run lint-test",
    "lint-src": "eslint src",
    "lint-test": "eslint test --global describe,it,beforeEach,afterEach --rule no-unused-expressions:false ",
    "unit": "babel-node -r node_modules/.bin/_mocha $npm_package_config_MOCHA_OPTS",
    "coverage": "babel-node -r node_modules/.bin/isparta cover $npm_package_config_ISPARTA_OPTS node_modules/.bin/_mocha -- $npm_package_config_MOCHA_OPTS",
    "coverage-check": "node node_modules/isparta/node_modules/istanbul/lib/cli check-coverage $npm_package_config_COVERAGE_OPTS",
    "show-report": "node test/open-coverage-report",
    "test": "npm run lint && npm run coverage && (npm run coverage-check || node scripts/open-coverage-report)"
gotwarlost commented 9 years ago

Not sure why you closed this. It is still an issue, right?

topaxi commented 9 years ago

Still an issue, using for now.

johsin18 commented 9 years ago

I have a similar problem. I compile ES6 source files with traceur and apply istanbul to the one concatenated result file (which should be plain ES5) through karma. When enabling code coverage, the tests fail, while they succeed otherwise. So I have either success or coverage :-(

iamstarkov commented 9 years ago
"coverage": "babel-node -r node_modules/.bin/isparta cover $npm_package_config_ISPARTA_OPTS node_modules/.bin/_mocha -- $npm_package_config_MOCHA_OPTS",

@tracker1, as far as i know npm is searching inside node_modules, so you can omit node_modules/.bin/ from npm scripts

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

it still a problem. I have es6 one-liner, and istanbul shows that only 3 of 4 lines are covered. its awkward screen shot 2015-07-17 at 19 58 50

technicallyfeasible commented 8 years ago

@iamstarkov, what you are seeing seems to be correct since you are exporting a function that is not called. But I agree that the autogenerated code should be hidden and the coverage should be more like 1/2

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

I called that exported function in my tests, so it not an issue

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

anyway I had to switch to isparta to get proper es6 support

technicallyfeasible commented 8 years ago

ok, does it work better with generating proper coverage reports that do not include babel-generated lines? I am using gulp-jsx-coverage which works very well but shows a coverage that is too high.

iamstarkov commented 8 years ago

for my current projects it is working better than istanbul

technicallyfeasible commented 8 years ago

I created a fork where I implemented ignoring the skipped lines. It's a very simple change but I am not sure how this can be turned into a setting. Just modify the file lib/object-utils.js and change the two functions computeSimpleTotals and computeBranchTotals to this:

function computeSimpleTotals(fileCoverage, property, mapProperty) {
    var stats = fileCoverage[property],
        map = mapProperty ? fileCoverage[mapProperty] : null,
        ret = { total: 0, covered: 0, skipped: 0 };

    Object.keys(stats).forEach(function (key) {
        var covered = !!stats[key],
            skipped = map && map[key].skip; += 1;
        if (covered && !skipped) {
            ret.covered += 1;
        if (skipped) {
            ret.skipped += 1;
    }); -= ret.skipped;
    ret.pct = percent(ret.covered,;
    return ret;

function computeBranchTotals(fileCoverage) {
    var stats = fileCoverage.b,
        branchMap = fileCoverage.branchMap,
        ret = { total: 0, covered: 0, skipped: 0 };

    Object.keys(stats).forEach(function (key) {
        var branches = stats[key],
            map = branchMap[key],
        for (i = 0; i < branches.length; i += 1) {
            covered = branches[i] > 0;
            skipped = map.locations && map.locations[i] && map.locations[i].skip;
            if (covered && !skipped) {
                ret.covered += 1;
            if (skipped) {
                ret.skipped += 1;
        } += branches.length;
    }); -= ret.skipped;
    ret.pct = percent(ret.covered,;
    return ret;

Get the fork here:

It's basically counting lines as covered only if they are not skipped and removes all skipped lines from the total as well.

emaildanwilson commented 6 years ago

I'm still seeing these issues w/ node 8.3. It seems that the esprima dependency needs to be updated. 2.7 doesn't even support EC6.

Failed to parse file: /test.js Transformation error; return original code { Error: Line 177: Unexpected token => at constructError (/Users/danw/.nvm/versions/node/v8.3.0/lib/node_modules/istanbul/node_modules/esprima/esprima.js:2407:21) at createError (/Users/danw/.nvm/versions/node/v8.3.0/lib/node_modules/istanbul/node_modules/esprima/esprima.js:2426:17) at unexpectedTokenError (/Users/danw/.nvm/versions/node/v8.3.0/lib/node_modules/istanbul/node_modules/esprima/esprima.js:2500:13) at throwUnexpectedToken (/Users/danw/.nvm/versions/node/v8.3.0/lib/node_modules/istanbul/node_modules/esprima/esprima.js:2505:15)