gotwarlost / istanbul

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/* istanbul ignore next */ still damages/changes Function.toString() output #856

Open GerHobbelt opened 6 years ago

GerHobbelt commented 6 years ago

One can use /* istanbul ignore next */ to prevent istanbul / nyc from instrumenting the next JS statement/expression, which works well, except when used on a function which will be processed by .toString(f) via, for example, String(f) to obtain the function source code in string format. Then it turns out the not-instrumented function source code was rewritten after all via some whitespace minification process, resulting in, for example, unit tests checking such String(f) output, FAILING when you run them in a istanbul/nyc environment.


These assertions all PASS when run in node/mocha:

  /* istanbul ignore next: test functions' code is injected and then crashes the test due to extra code coverage statements having been injected */ 
  it("printFunctionSourceCode (direct)", function () {
    function d(i) { /* mock for linters */ }

    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(function a(x) { return x; }), "function a(x) { return x; }");
    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(function (x)  { return x; }), "function (x)  { return x; }");
    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode((x) => { return x; }), "(x) => { return x; }");
    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode((x) => x), "(x) => x");
    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode((x) => (d(1), d(2), x)), "(x) => (d(1), d(2), x)");

  /* istanbul ignore next: test functions' code is injected and then crashes the test due to extra code coverage statements having been injected */ 
  it("printFunctionSourceCode (indirect)", function () {
    function d(i) { /* mock for linters */ }

    var f1 = function a(x) { return x; };
    var f2 = function (x)  { return x; };
    var f3 = (x) => { return x; };
    var f4 = (x) => x;
    var f5 = (x) => (d(1), d(2), x);

    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f1), "function a(x) { return x; }");
    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f2), "function (x)  { return x; }");
    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f3), "(x) => { return x; }");
    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f4), "(x) => x");
    assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f5), "(x) => (d(1), d(2), x)");

while the same tests' code FAILS when executed in nyc+mocha with this error report:

  1) helpers API
       printFunctionSourceCode (direct):

      AssertionError: expected 'function a(x){return x;}' to equal 'function a(x) { return x; }'
      + expected - actual

      -function a(x){return x;}
      +function a(x) { return x; }

      at Context.<anonymous> (tests\tests.js:10:498)

  2) helpers API
       printFunctionSourceCode (indirect):

      AssertionError: expected 'function a(x){return x;}' to equal 'function a(x) { return x; }'
      + expected - actual

      -function a(x){return x;}
      +function a(x) { return x; }

      at Context.<anonymous> (tests\tests.js:10:1323)

which shows the whitespace minification of the functions-under-test by istanbul at work.

(Side note: here's the source code for the executed stringification helper printFunctionSourceCode():

function printFunctionSourceCode(f) {
    var src = String(f);             // <-- turn function source code into JS string
    return src;

AFAICT, this issue is closely related to #310, #674 with related discussion in

GerHobbelt commented 6 years ago

The (TEMPORARY) fix in my own codebase uses run-time detection of istanbul, i.e. a function which checks if my code is executing in an istanbul/nyc environment.

Now the tests PASS in both normal mocha and nyc + mocha modes (compare to the tests in the OP):

  /* istanbul ignore next: test functions' code is injected and then crashes the test due to extra code coverage statements having been injected */ 
  it("printFunctionSourceCode (direct)", function () {
    function d(i) { /* mock for linters */ }

    if (!helpers.detectIstanbulGlobal()) {
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(function a(x) { return x; }), "function a(x) { return x; }");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(function (x)  { return x; }), "function (x)  { return x; }");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode((x) => { return x; }), "(x) => { return x; }");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode((x) => x), "(x) => x");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode((x) => (d(1), d(2), x)), "(x) => (d(1), d(2), x)");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(x => x + 7), "x => x + 7");
    } else {
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(function a(x) { return x; }), "function a(x){return x;}");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(function (x)  { return x; }), "function (x){return x;}");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode((x) => { return x; }), "x=>{return x;}");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode((x) => x), "x=>x");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode((x) => (d(1), d(2), x)), "x=>(d(1),d(2),x)");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(x => x + 7), "x=>x+7");

  /* istanbul ignore next: test functions' code is injected and then crashes the test due to extra code coverage statements having been injected */ 
  it("printFunctionSourceCode (indirect)", function () {
    function d(i) { /* mock for linters */ }

    var f1 = function a(x) { return x; };
    var f2 = function (x)  { return x; };
    var f3 = (x) => { return x; };
    var f4 = (x) => x;
    var f5 = (x) => (d(1), d(2), x);
    var f6 = x => x + 7;

    if (!helpers.detectIstanbulGlobal()) {
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f1), "function a(x) { return x; }");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f2), "function (x)  { return x; }");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f3), "(x) => { return x; }");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f4), "(x) => x");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f5), "(x) => (d(1), d(2), x)");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f6), "x => x + 7");
    } else {
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f1), "function a(x){return x;}");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f2), "function (x){return x;}");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f3), "x=>{return x;}");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f4), "x=>x");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f5), "x=>(d(1),d(2),x)");
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.printFunctionSourceCode(f6), "x=>x+7");

while this additional unit test for the istanbul detector helper has been added to make sure the detector itself isn't buggy:

  it("detectIstanbulGlobal", function () {
    if (!helpers.detectIstanbulGlobal()) {
      assert.strictEqual(helpers.detectIstanbulGlobal(), false);
    } else {
      var o = helpers.detectIstanbulGlobal();
      assert.equal(typeof o, 'object');
      var k = Object.keys(o);
      var kp = k.filter(function pass_paths(el) {
        return el.match(/[\\\/][^\\\/]+$/);
      assert.ok(k.length > 0, "expected 1 or more keys in the istanbul global");
      assert.ok(kp.length > 0, "expected 1 or more paths as keys in the istanbul global");
      var kp = k.filter(function pass_istanbul_file_objects(idx) {
        var el = o[idx];
        return el && el.hash && el.statementMap && el.path;
      assert.ok(kp.length > 0, "expected 1 or more istanbul file coverage objects in the istanbul global");

while the istanbul detector code looks like this:

// code to detect whether we're running under istanbul/nyc coverage environment...
function detectIstanbulGlobal() {
    const gcv = "__coverage__";
    const globalvar = new Function('return this')();
    var coverage = globalvar[gcv];
    return coverage || false;

export default detectIstanbulGlobal;

which was derived from the nyc instrument output of a test file.

Hope this helps someone out there while this issue is pending/open for istanbul...

tex0l commented 6 years ago

I confirm I have this bug, thanks for the workaround.