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Next 6 month road map as software engineer? #10

Open vgrch opened 5 years ago

vgrch commented 5 years ago

I am a backend developer that approximately 3 years of hands-on experience as a java developer. After failure recent interview processes I decided to improve my skills on these branches. I am open any suggestion to make reform my road map. Thank in advance.

Algorithms Learn implementation of most known algorithms(Sorting, searching, etc.). Practice hackerrank, leetcode, dailycodingproblem. Practice whiteboard coding. DataStructures Learn all available DS in CS. Learn how to implement your own data structure. Java Improve core java skills including multithreading, serializable, socket programming and etc. Improve framework skills (Spring boot). Design patterns. Unit testing. Operations Linux from Evi Nemeth. Learn about DevOps tools and technologies. Learn network fundamentals. (OSI layers, network protocols, subnetting, etc.) Architectural design.

Arlington1985 commented 5 years ago

Your roadmap is pretty solid and also tough I would say. You are a hero if you can do it. Also maybe include some FrontEnd stuff optionally?

vgrch commented 5 years ago

There are some front end technologies like angular, react in my backlog. I decided to learn the mentioned technologies when I feel comfortable at the backend. for my prediction, this will happen in the first quarter of 2020.

sakomws commented 5 years ago

@vgrch I dont think its perfect one, we can help you mature it a bit. Its too distracting, not timelined etc.

vgrch commented 5 years ago

I made the schedule: Mondays and Thursday: Algorithms and DS. Tuesday and Friday: Core Java and framework Wednesday: Operations I can dedicate about 2 hours every day.

It would be better to hear any recommendation from you.

sakomws commented 5 years ago

So, will go to more details, for now you can start. Go in order:

  1. Language: Python3

  2. OS: Ubuntu (coming)

  3. Data Structures (coming)

  4. Algorithm https://github.com/goupaz/0-to-hero/blob/master/algorithms_plan.md

  5. Leetcode: Easy ones only

  6. 1 Open source project contribution: written in Python3, preferable Django Framework

  7. 1 Cloud provider, preferable AWS or GCP

Note 1: Dont dig into design questions for now, after 1y if can get confident in upper skills. Note 2: You can complete it in 6 month, expected load per day is 8h, depending on background as well. Note 3: Recommended to pair with anothet person willing to pursue this plan.

vgrch commented 4 years ago

Update the current state. Currently preparing Java8 OCA exam. Watching algorithms & data structure course Reading this book

sakomws commented 4 years ago

Good job @vgrch please, keep sharing your experiences. We are here to support you!