govCMS / GovCMS7

Current stable release of the main Drupal 7 GovCMS distribution, with releases mirrored at
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[GOVCMSD7-421] Update drupal core to 7.82 #1003

Closed suhyeonh closed 2 years ago

suhyeonh commented 2 years ago

drupal 7.82

Release notes

Maintenance and security release of the Drupal 7 series.

This release fixes security vulnerabilities. Sites are urged to upgrade immediately after reading the notes below and the security announcement:

Drupal core - Critical - Third-party library - SA-CORE-2021-004 No other fixes are included.

Important update information No changes have been made to the .htaccess, web.config, robots.txt, or default settings.php files in this release, so upgrading custom versions of those files is not necessary if your site is already on the previous release.