govCMS / GovCMS7

Current stable release of the main Drupal 7 GovCMS distribution, with releases mirrored at
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Webform email "include files as attachments" function broken in govCMS 7.x-3.7 #882

Closed invisigoth closed 4 years ago

invisigoth commented 4 years ago

Context of this issue: SwiftMailer, Webform and Webform clear

It has been reported by managers of a site we are maintaining that files uploaded to webforms are no longer appearing as attachments to the web form notification emails. As by default, the webform submissions are cleared immediately to prevent unauthorised access to 3rd party data, there is no way to retrieve user uploaded files after the emails are sent and the form submissions are cleared. In other words, there may be a loss of user-submitted data if the files are not sent with the emails.

Two versions of govCMS have been tested in Nginx and Apache 2. The above-descrived issue is observed in 7.x-3.7 but not 7.x-3.5. It also currently affected sites using SwiftMailer to send emails on the SaaS platform.

invisigoth commented 4 years ago

This is patched in 7.x-3.8: