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[GOVCMSD7-319] Update wysiwyg and ckeditor modules #906

Closed suhyeonh closed 4 years ago

suhyeonh commented 4 years ago


Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

Vulnerable module: ckeditor Introduced through: ckeditor@4.9.2

ckeditor is a A highly configurable WYSIWYG HTML editor.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks. It was possible to execute XSS inside CKEditor after persuading the victim to switch CKEditor to source mode, then paste a specially crafted HTML code, prepared by the attacker, into the opened CKEditor source area, and switch back to WYSIWYG mode.

Proposed resolution

Update the wysiwyg module to 7.x-2.6 and ckeditor to CKEditor 4.14.0

wysiwyg 7.x-2.6

Release notes

NOTE! This release accidentally uses the new array syntax so is not compatible with PHP 5.3. Please follow #3068559: PHP Syntax error - 7.x-2.6 for news. The 7.x-2.x -dev snapshot has now reverted to the long syntax but there won't be a new release just for this.

Changes since 7.x-2.5:

Verified CKEditor 4.12.1, TinyMCE 4.9.5, and deprecated YUI.

526280 by TwoD, klausi: Fixed change detection when editors are disabled.

3051597 by TwoD: Fixed CSS of group "print" are applied to the Wysiwyg editor

3059810 by jedsaet: Fixed typo in ACF description and URL link.

1927000 by TwoD, mglaman: Added utility functions for fullscreen mode management.

2859553 by ben.kyriakou, TwoD: Enable image title as default with TinyMCE 4.x.

2884761 by cboyden, TwoD: Fixed stylesheet links with query parameters in TinyMCE.

2890066 by dsnopek: Fixed regression isNode() callback not working correctly for TinyMCE 3

Updated verified version ranges to include CKEditor 4.11.4 and TinyMCE 4.9.4.

2884691 by dsnopek: Fixed incorrect CSS when '#groups' array doesn't line up with child elements.

2840699 by TonyT, heilop: Fixed database upgrade errors.

2936164 by Akanksha92: Updating readme File as per Drupal standard

2884450 by TwoD: Fixed adding theme CSS without a background HTTP request.

Fixup for committing wrong patch for #526280.

526280 by TwoD: Extended JavaScript API to react on change events.

2679106 by Dave Reid, Wim Leers, naxoc, Liam Morland: CKEditor uses separate cache-busting query string from Drupal's

Fixed editor error indication in profile overview.

3021045 by TwoD: Updated TinyMCE supported version.

3021045 by TwoD: Updated supported editor versions and packaging variants.

2854947 by TwoD: Added hook_wysiwyg_load_includes_alter().

2903753 by ccjjmartin, TwoD: Fixed regression: TinyMCE fullscreen mode.

2968191 by jannis: Fixed undefined variable: css in _wysiwyg_pre_render_styles()

2840699 by heilop: Added removal of any existing primary key in update 7003.