govCMS / GovCMS7

Current stable release of the main Drupal 7 GovCMS distribution, with releases mirrored at
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[GOVCMSD7-156] Remove pathauto_persist module #907

Open suhyeonh opened 4 years ago

suhyeonh commented 4 years ago

The module pathauto_persist has been merged into the Pathauto module hence no longer required in the distribution.

pandaskii commented 4 years ago

Also, We don't need this function while the modules are removed from the distribution

 * Implements hook_paranoia_hide_modules().
 * @TODO remove this after pathauto update.
function govcms_paranoia_hide_modules() {
  return array(
    'pathauto_persist' => 'Other',
    'govcms_register' => 'govCMS',