govCMS / GovCMS7

Current stable release of the main Drupal 7 GovCMS distribution, with releases mirrored at
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[GOVCMSD7-336] update module viewfield #959

Closed suhyeonh closed 4 years ago

suhyeonh commented 4 years ago

viewfield 7.x-2.2

Release notes

This release includes bug fixes since the prior release, 7.x-2.1 in January of 2017.

Due to the elapsed time between releases, we strongly encourage thorough testing of your Viewfields prior to upgrading in production.

This release includes:

2697337: Increase arguments #maxlength to match db column max length

2984973: Add a field formatter to show only title, display name, arguments

2650884: Tokens loading problem for other entities

2177873: Missing taxonomy term tokens

2576163: Widget is not hidden when adding entity via Inline Entity Form

drupal-spider commented 4 years ago

Merged into release/7.x-3.14