govCMS / GovCMS7

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[GOVCMSD7-414] Update redirect to 7.x-1.0-rc4 #995

Closed Tara-Wij closed 3 years ago

Tara-Wij commented 3 years ago

redirect 7.x-1.0-rc4

Release notes

Contributors (115) pifagor, donquixote, Neslee Canil Pinto, andralex, Tolyan4ik, anrikun, Vacilando, Dave Reid, nicrodgers, JvE, rp7, ciss, alex_optim, danquah, tomsegarra, tim.plunkett, geek.merlin aka axel.rutz, Chris Matthews, euk, Aporie, djdevin, jweowu, vijaycs85, jenlampton, hass, swhitters, Internet, satter9, Sneakyvv, Pere Orga, Chris2, joshi.rohit100, miteshmap, voleger, joachim, belyj_vladislav, ChaseOnTheWeb, drclaw, extralooping, mrmikedewolf, zestagio, jami, rkeppner, incrn8, kevinwal, davidgrayston, smira, drfuzetto, theapi, DamienMcKenna, hanoii, torotil, adognameddog, cgmonroe, SylvainM, ShaunDychko, vasike, das-peter, masipila, jyraya, gobilo, drikc, Mark Schneider, greggles, jfhovinne, mvc, acrosman, joseph.olstad, acrollet, aaronbauman, tannerjfco, moskito, heddn, Berdir, ankurj, mfb, leewillis77, acy76, kvnm, capellic, ANDiTKO, GinkgoFJG, jaydub, Maury Markowitz, rgchi, sonicthoughts, ruudvanoijen, mvwensen, askibinski, paulvandenburg, daniel_rose, runswithscissors, mfernea, Adam Clarey, mariacha1, Andriy Khomych, ozin, BR0kEN, benjifisher, ckng, heykarthikwithu, juampynr, enriquelacoma, danilo_formagio, nbouhid, andre.bonon, leotorati, anton.shloma, Stevel, markdorison, mmatsoo, kala4ek, joelpittet, brianV, Drave Robber

Changelog Issues: 39 issues resolved.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-rc3:


2815099 by andralex, Tolyan4ik, anrikun, pifagor: exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes' in

1441488 by tomsegarra, Dave Reid, tim.plunkett, geek.merlin aka axel.rutz, Chris Matthews, euk, pifagor: Don't call entity_get_info() from inside hook_field_extra_fields()

3063349 by Aporie, pifagor: Can't save a redirection from admin/config/search/redirect/404

3013728 by djdevin, pifagor: Fix missing text format notice

2968111 by tomsegarra, Chris Matthews, pifagor: Cannot create a redirect with a querystring if Clean URLs is off

2560019 by jenlampton, hass, swhitters, Internet, satter9, Chris Matthews, pifagor: Broken upgrade path from path_redirect to redirect / does not recover

2631918 by joshi.rohit100, miteshmap, alex_optim, voleger, joachim, Chris2: missing docs for hook_redirect_hash_alter()

2562079 by danquah, Chris2, pifagor: Notice in redirect_field_extra_fields due to missing initialization

2763681 by belyj_vladislav, Chris2, voleger, Dave Reid, pifagor, alex_optim: Parameter 1 to hook_redirect_load() expected to be a reference, value given

2860844 by ChaseOnTheWeb, Chris2, alex_optim, voleger, pifagor: Minor code improvement to field existence check in redirect_fetch_rids_by_path

2260499 by mrmikedewolf, zestagio, pifagor, Pere Orga, jami, rp7, rkeppner, incrn8, kevinwal: Generate redirects (Duplicate entry for key 'hash')

1763436 by hanoii, torotil, adognameddog, cgmonroe, SylvainM, ShaunDychko, pifagor, Dave Reid, Pere Orga, vasike, alex_optim: redirect_path_delete() code is commented, not creating redirect on alias delete

2543606 by das-peter, torotil, masipila, jyraya, gobilo, pifagor, alex_optim, drikc, Mark Schneider: Redirect to files folder on multilanguage website not working

1551224 by mfb, leewillis77, acy76, Dave Reid, pifagor, kvnm, capellic, ANDiTKO, GinkgoFJG, jaydub, alex_optim, Maury Markowitz, rgchi, sonicthoughts, Pere Orga, torotil: redirect url with string that includes /? strips / upon save

2789203 by ruudvanoijen, mvwensen, askibinski, pifagor, alex_optim, paulvandenburg: 404 fix pages needs domain filter

2595199 by joshi.rohit100, daniel_rose, runswithscissors, pifagor, alex_optim: Remove message "action cannot be undone" when bulk Disabling/Enabling redirects

1712062 by hass, tomsegarra, Dave Reid, pifagor, torotil: Translatable string review

1817764 by mfernea, Adam Clarey, mariacha1, Pere Orga, Dave Reid, tomsegarra, alex_optim: Does not work with more than 2 query parameters

2057615 by jyraya, mvc, heykarthikwithu, juampynr, enriquelacoma, pifagor, alex_optim: Increase size of source field to hold long URLs

2820766 by anton.shloma, pifagor, Stevel, alex_optim: Vulnerability: redirect_goto() leads to the blank page due to translation flow

2574593 by kala4ek: Fixed watchdog variables in redirect_change_status_multiple().

2541304 by Dave Reid: Fixed errors in cases where redirect_update_7101() needs to run more than once.

1961530 by Dave Reid, joelpittet, brianV: Added a limit to how many redirects are purged for each cron run.


2220061 by Sneakyvv, Pere Orga, Chris2, pifagor: Add permission to restrict access to a user's own redirects only

2702393 by Dave Reid, Chris2, alex_optim, voleger, pifagor: Allow creating redirects to file URIs

2315877 by davidgrayston, pifagor, smira, drfuzetto, theapi, alex_optim, DamienMcKenna: Allow to change query string passthrough on a per-redirect basis (D7)

1301594 by greggles, jfhovinne, mvc, acrosman, joseph.olstad, acrollet, pifagor, aaronbauman, tannerjfco, moskito, Dave Reid, alex_optim: Provide add-redirect command for drush

2211279 by heddn, Dave Reid, pifagor, Pere Orga, Berdir, ankurj, alex_optim: Alterable redirect_load_by_source db_select

1116408 by benjifisher, pifagor: Support migrate module: Destination handler class

2604418 by ChaseOnTheWeb, ckng, tomsegarra, alex_optim, pifagor: Recognize 'status' field in redirect views

2790205 by markdorison, pifagor, mmatsoo, alex_optim: Provide option to disable deletion of redirects by source path

1768530 by Drave Robber: Integrate the redirect textfield with the Menu Path Autocomplete (mpac) module if it is available.


2843258 by danilo_formagio, nbouhid, andre.bonon, pifagor, leotorati, alex_optim: Implement support for entity_language function


2908995 by pifagor, donquixote, Neslee Canil Pinto: redirect_get_current_redirect() should use language from url

2194099 by Vacilando, pifagor, Dave Reid, nicrodgers, JvE, rp7, ciss, alex_optim, danquah: Create database index on the redirect column

3016519 by jweowu, pifagor, vijaycs85: Refactor redirect_list_form(), relocating call to func_get_args()

2347687 by drclaw, extralooping, Chris2, alex_optim, pifagor: Use parse_str instead of drupal_get_query_array?

2828083 by Andriy Khomych, pifagor, ozin, BR0kEN, alex_optim: Fields 'redirect_options', 'source_options' should be BLOB not TEXT

1525554 by daniel_rose, Pere Orga, alex_optim, pifagor: Provide instructions in the README.txt