govex / COVID-19

Data analysis and visualizations of daily COVID cases report
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Utah County Data #467

Open dimeade opened 3 years ago

dimeade commented 3 years ago

From reviewing the COVID-19 Data file it appears that many Utah counties have Zero for COVID-19 cases & deaths. The COVID-19 Map (and Status Reports) also displays Zero for many of these counties.

The Map FAQ has a comment that some Utah counties are banded together to protect identities of individuals. Although this county data seems to be publicly available on Google Charts.

Are there any plans to include this county level data in the Data file and Maps? Alternatively, should the Zeros be removed from the Data file and Map?

Data File Examples can be seen for Utah counties Cache and Washington, both with population > 100,000

Maps & Status Report

dimeade commented 3 years ago

We've resolved this at our end by removing the Zero records and creating a new spatial file that's a hybrid of single counties and the banded counties for Utah (and Massachusetts).

However, I've left this open for your review - as this seems to be relevant for other users of the data. For example, the JHU Map appears to have the same issue with Zeros for many Utah counties for COVID-19 cases and deaths. The following image of the JHU Map demonstrates this for Weber County, Utah, with 'Confirmed by 100k Population' = 0.


dimeade commented 3 years ago

I notice the JHU Maps and Reports have now removed the Utah county Zero data and replaced them with "No Official Source Available", as per the image below (including Nebraska).

Although there still appears to be the Zero data issue for some counties in Massachusetts.


dimeade commented 3 years ago

The county data file also seems to have an issue for recent months with Zero new Cases/ Deaths for Nebraska and Zero new Deaths for Florida. This can be seen when displaying only the more recent data as per the following maps.

Cases Past 2 Months (0 = yellow, 1-4 = orange, 5+ = red) Nebraska_Cases_Prior_2_Mth

Deaths Past 2 Months (0 = yellow, 1-4 = orange, 5+ = red) Nebraska_Florida_Deaths_Prior_2_Mth

These maps also show the use of Banding to resolve the Zero issue for Utah and Massachusetts (as discussed in prior posts for the single/banded counties). However, we’re not able to resolve the Zeros from our end for the recent data for Nebraska and Florida. Any feedback you can provide here would be much appreciated.

Also, many thanks for all the work you’re doing on these datasets.