govex / open-data-portal-requirements

Open Data Portal Requirements
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Is nomination of data sources an existing feature? #3

Closed waldoj closed 8 years ago

waldoj commented 8 years ago

Under "Community Features," the "Customers" requirement specifies:

must be able to nominate data resources for public release

Is this a standard feature in Socrata, CKAN, Junar, ArcGIS Open Data, DKAN, or OpenDataSoft? I haven't noticed it in any of those, but I also haven't looked for it. And if it isn't, how do you feel about establishing a must-level requirement for a feature that doesn't yet exist in open data repositories? (There's no judgment in that question—I could argue either side of that.)

technickle commented 8 years ago

Some open data solutions directly support this requirement. But the implementation could be as simple as a link to a web form which sends an email to an administrator. I supposed accepting dataset suggestions is also a policy decision. Do you think this requirement should be switched from "must" to "may"?

sidburgess commented 8 years ago

Would providing an email address to the portal administrator satisfy this? (rather than a webform or a link to a webform)

waldoj commented 8 years ago

It sounds like this isn't really a feature of the software, then—it sounds like this is an administrative process that you want to exist, which could have a vector of any feedback mechanism at all.

technickle commented 8 years ago

I'll switch the requirement to "may"

jqnatividad commented 8 years ago

I know this issue is already closed, but FWIW, CKAN does have an extension to support this. and can be seen in action here

In terms of citizen engagement, I think it should be encouraged and promoted. Perhaps, a best practice to include in the Open Data: Getting Started Guide?

Note how it gives a not too subtle signal to the publisher as it tracks the turnaround time of the request. And all the request data is available thru the datarequest API.