gowravshekar / bootstrap-webpack

bootstrap package for webpack
MIT License
136 stars 22 forks source link

support latest 3.x #19

Open sandergarretsen opened 8 years ago

sandergarretsen commented 8 years ago

Trying to import the responsive-embed less styles (available since 3.1.0), I noticed it's not listed to the bootstrap-styles.loader.js.

Any chance it could be added?

gowravshekar commented 8 years ago

Use custom configuration. https://github.com/gowravshekar/bootstrap-webpack#custom-configuration

sandergarretsen commented 8 years ago

I am using custom configuration. But the bootstrap-styles.loader.js is not importing the responsive-embed styles because it is not listed in the style array, which is filtered by the styles listed in the custom configuration?

var styles = [
source = start + styles.filter(function (style) {
  return config.styles[style];
}).map(function (style) {
  return "@import \"~bootstrap/less/" + style + ".less\";";
ivanchoo commented 7 years ago

For what it's worth, a workaround is to just add the import statement in your bootstrap.config.less

// File: bootstrap.config.less @import "~bootstrap/less/responsive-embed.less"; .....

ibuchan72390 commented 7 years ago

@ivanchoo , you just completely saved me, thank you so much. I had thought that the addition of 'responsive-utilities' in the bootstrap.config.js would include the responsive-embed functionality without the explicit addition to the bootstrap.config.less file.