goxiaoy / flutter_survey_js

Flutter client library for parsing and display surveyjs.io survey
MIT License
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Survey elements are not validating for Matrix type of questions neither while their values getting changed nor when a form submission is attempted #112

Closed Vpdwivedi closed 1 year ago

Vpdwivedi commented 1 year ago

Survey elements are not validating for Matrix type of questions neither while their values getting changed nor when a form submission is attempted.

To Reproduce { "title": "SISO MALI SURVEY FORM", "description": "SISO MALI SURVEY FORM- FOR DEMO", "logoFit": "cover", "logoPosition": "right", "pages": [ { "name": "page1", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL002_A", "title": "T002 a: Couverture de la population par l’AMO (Interopérabilité entre le SISo et la base de la CANAM)", "requiredErrorText": "Required", "validators": [ { "type": "expression" } ], "columns": [ { "name": "ASSURE_AMO~N~M", "title": "Homme", "cellType": "text", "isRequired": true, "inputType": "number", "min": 100, "max": 200 }, { "name": "ASSURE_AMO~N~F", "title": "Femme", "cellType": "text", "isRequired": true, "inputType": "number" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ { "value": "INPS_A", "text": "INPS - Actif " }, { "value": "INPS_R ", "text": "INPS -Retraité " }, { "value": "INPS_AV", "text": "INPS -Assurance Volontaire " }, { "value": "INPS_AU", "text": "INPS -Autres " }, { "value": "CMPS_A", "text": "CMPS - Actif " }, { "value": 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par une femme\t" }, { "value": "ASACO_AYANT_SIGNE_CAM", "text": "Nb de ASACO ayant signé la CAM" }, { "value": "ASACO_COMITES_PARITAIRE_PLACE", "text": "Nb de CP mis en place\t" }, { "value": "ASACO_CP_FONCTIONNEL", "text": "Nb de CP fonctionnel\t" }, { "value": "F_ORGANE_ASACO", "text": "Nb de femmes dans les organes des ASACO\t" } ] } ] }, { "name": "page18", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL019", "title": "T019. 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Structures de protection sociale et d'économie solidaire Appuyées (construction /réhabilitation, équipement)", "columns": [ { "name": "NATURE_APPUI~CONSTRUCTION~N", "title": "Nature de l’appui-Construction", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "NATURE_APPUI~REHABILITATION~N", "title": "Nature de l’appui- Réhabilitation", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "NATURE_APPUI~EQUIPEMENT~N", "title": "Nature de l’appui- Equipement", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "PRINCIPAUX_PARTENAIRES~APPUI", "title": "Principaux partenaires d’appui", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ "DNPSES", "DRDSES", "SLDSES", "CMSS", "INPS", "CANAM", "ANAM", "AMAMUS", "CNAPESS", "UTM" ] } ] }, { "name": "page20", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL021", "title": "T021. Transmission de bilan à la tutelle par les Organisations de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire", "columns": [ { "name": "ORG_ECO_SOC_SOL_TRANSMI_BILAN_TUT~N~T", "title": "Total", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "ORG_ECO_SOC_SOL_TRANSMI_BILAN_TUT~N~FOURNI~BILAN", "title": "Ayant fourni de bilan", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ { "value": "COOP_IMMATRICU", "text": "COOP-CA immatriculées\t" }, "ASACO", { "value": "MUT_SANT", "text": "Mutuelles de santé" }, { "value": "AUTRE_MUT", "text": "Autres Mutuelles\t" } ] } ] }, { "name": "page21", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL022", "title": "T022. Suivi contrôle des sociétés coopératives et des mutuelles", "columns": [ { "name": "STE_COOP_ET_MUT_SUIVI_CONT~N~T", "title": "Total", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "STE_COOP_ET_MUT_SUIVI_CONT~N~SUIVI~CONTROLE", "title": "Suivi et contrôlé", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ { "value": "SCOOP_IMMATRI", "text": "SCOOPS immatriculées\t" }, { "value": "COOP_CA_IMMATRI", "text": "COOP-CA immatriculées\t" }, { "value": "MUT_SOCIAL\tMUT_SOCIAL", "text": "Mutuelles sociales" }, { "value": "MUT_SANTE", "text": "Mutuelle de Santé" } ] } ] }, { "name": "page22", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL023", "title": "Tableau 023 : Adhésion, création d’emploi des sociétés coopératives", "columns": [ { "name": "N~H", "title": "Homme ", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "N~F", "title": "Femme ", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ { "value": "SCOOPS_SOCIETE_COOP", "text": "SCOOPS - Total des sociétés coopératives\t" }, { "value": "SCOOPS_MONT_CAPITAL_SOC_INIT_MOB", "text": "SCOOPS- Montant Capital Social Initial mobilisé\t" }, { "value": "SCOOPS_EMPLOI_PERM_CREES", "text": "SCOOPS- Nb Emplois Permanents Crées\t" }, { "value": "SCOOPS_NOUVEAUX_ADHERENT", "text": "SCOOPS - Nb de nouveaux adhérents\t" }, { "value": "SCOOPS_COMITE_GEST", "text": "SCOOPS - Comité de Gestion" }, { "value": "SCOOPS_COM_SURVEILL", "text": "SCOOPS - Commission de Surveillance" }, { "value": "COOP_COMITE_GESTION", "text": "COOP-CA - Comité de Gestion" }, { "value": "COOP_COM_SURVEILL", "text": "COOP-CA - Commission de Surveillance" } ] } ] }, { "name": "page23", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL024", "title": "T024 : Formation des membres des sociétés coopératives en Gestion Administrative et Financière (GAF)", "columns": [ { "name": "GAF~N~H", "title": "Homme ", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "GAF~N~F", "title": "Femme ", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ { "value": "MEMBR_ORGANE", "text": "Nb de membres des organes" }, { "value": "FORMES", "text": "Nb formés" } ] } ] }, { "name": "page24", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL025", "title": "T025 : Activités des sociétés coopératives", "columns": [ { "name": "N~T", "title": "Total ", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ { "value": "AYANT_ACTIVITE_VIABLE_SCOOPS", "text": "Nb ayant une activité viable- SCOOPS" }, { "value": "AYANT_TENU_4REUNION_SCOOPS", "text": "Nb ayant tenu 4 réunions du CA - SCOOPS" }, { "value": "AYANT_DEUX_GESTION_COMPTABLE", "text": "Nb ayant deux outils de gestion comptables - SCOOPS" }, { "value": "AYANT_ACTIVITE_VIABLE_COOP_CA", "text": "Nb ayant une activité viable - COOP-CA" }, { "value": "AYANT_TENU_4REUNION_CA_COOP_CA", "text": "Nb ayant tenu 4 réunions du CA- COOP-CA" }, { "value": "AYANT_DEUX_OUTIL_GESTION_COMPTABLE", "text": "Nb ayant deux outils de gestion comptables-COOP-CA" } ], "hideIfRowsEmpty": true } ] }, { "name": "page25", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL026 a", "title": "T026a : Situation du personnel employé par les organisations", "columns": [ { "name": "PERS_RECRU~N~T", "title": "Personnel recruté ", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "PERS_INSC_INPS~T", "title": "Personnel inscrit à l’INPS", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ "ASACO", { "value": "Mutuelles MUT_SOCSociales", "text": "Mutuelles Sociales" }, { "value": "STE_COOP", "text": "Société Coopératives" } ] }, { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL026 b", "title": "T 026b : Situation du personnel employé par les organisations (Montant de cotisation)", "columns": [ { "name": "MONT_COT_PREVU~FCFA~T", "title": "Cotisation Prévu ", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "MONT_COT_MOBILI~FCFA~T", "title": "Cotisation Mobilisé ", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ "ASACO", { "value": "MUT_SOC", "text": "Mutuelles Sociales" }, { "value": "STE_COOP", "text": "Société Coopérative" } ] } ] }, { "name": "page26" }, { "name": "page27", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL028", "title": "T028 : Conformité des mutuelles sociales au règlement N°07-2009/CM/UEMOA", "columns": [ { "name": "N~T", "title": "Total", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "N~F", "title": "Femme ", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "N~M", "title": "Homme ", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ { "value": "T_MUT", "text": "Total Mutuelles" }, { "value": "MUT_SOCIAL_CONFOR_REGLE", "text": "Mutuelles sociales conforme au règlement " }, { "value": "MEMB_ORGAN_MUT_SOCIAL_FORME_REGLEMT", "text": "Membres des organes des mutuelles sociales formés sur le règlement" } ] } ] }, { "name": "page28", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL029", "title": "T029 : Formation des administrateurs des Organisations de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire", "columns": [ { "name": "ADMIN_FORME~N~M", "title": "Hommes formés", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "ADMIN_FORME~N~F", "title": "Femmes Formées", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ "OESS", { "value": "MUTU_SOCIALE", "text": "Mutuelles Sociales" }, "ASACO", { "value": "STE_COOP", "text": "Sociétés Coopératives" } ] } ] }, { "name": "page29", "elements": [ { "type": "matrixdropdown", "name": "TABL030", "title": "Tableau 030 : Fonctionnalité des CFU et des GSAN (Nombre)", "columns": [ { "name": "EXISTANT~N~T", "title": "Existant ", "cellType": "text" }, { "name": "FONCTIONNEL~N~T", "title": "Fonctionnel ", "cellType": "text" } ], "choices": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "rows": [ "CFU", "GSAN" ] } ] } ], "maxTextLength": 1, "maxOthersLength": 8 }

Expected behavior It should prompt or show message while typing.



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goxiaoy commented 1 year ago
  1. Please provide the minimal reproducable SurveyJs json. The json you provided is too long
  2. Expression vlaidator is unsupported currently
  3. You are asking about Matrix type but questions of ths json you provided are all matrixdropdown
  4. The result is different in the test ui


Vpdwivedi commented 1 year ago

Please check the attached screenshot, I took it from your screenshot only.

  1. I had set a range as 100-200 in first cell however this accepts 500 without any error
  2. I had set numeric for second cell however this accepts varchar without any error

Kindly confirm if you need a small JSON for the debugging, I will prepare and share it with you.