gpac / gpac

GPAC Ultramedia OSS for Video Streaming & Next-Gen Multimedia Transcoding, Packaging & Delivery
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Ingesting TS and TTXT subtitle files to create HLS with WebVTT raw format seems not working #2793

Closed estigma88 closed 1 month ago

estigma88 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting your issue. Please make sure these boxes are checked before submitting your issue - thank you!

We created a subtitles WebVTT file, and transformed it to a TTXT file using the following GPAC command:

gpac -i subtitleVTT.vtt -o subtitleTTXT.ttxt

After, we want to ingest an output.ts file alongside the subtitleTTXT.ttxt file to produce HLS with WebVTT raw subtitles, using the following command:

gpac  \
  -i output.ts \
  -i subtitleTTXT.ttxt tx3g2vtt \
  -o res/live.m3u8:cmaf=cmf2:rawsub=true:segdur=1:cat=auto

Note the tx3g2vtt filter, who should transform the TTXT format to WebVTT format. GPAC throws the following error:

[Dasher] PID subtitleTTXT.ttxt config changed during active period, forcing period switch
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Are we missing any configuration on the GPAC command to get this working? Any help is much appreciated.

The following are the attachments to run the GPAC command:

jeanlf commented 1 month ago

Indeed, this is now fixed on master. Thanks for the detailed report.