gpakosz / .tmux

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Allow changing of hostname field color based on hostname itself #322

Open Halfwalker opened 4 years ago

Halfwalker commented 4 years ago

Set up a table or block of variables to associate hostnames with colors. Even better if it could use a regex to match on hostname patterns. Then change the hostname field color to match.

If I'm on local machine, hostname color is GREEN. If I ssh into _machine_staging1, match on "staging" and change hostname color to YELLOW. If it's _machine_prod1 then change to BLUE.

gpakosz commented 4 years ago

Related to #321

You can combine #{?}, #{==:}, #{m:} and #{m/r:}:


I'm not sure how I want to generalize this. This doesn't compose well with segment colors

indirect commented 4 years ago

I think it composes reasonably well with segment colors if you set the segment colors in a conditional:

%if "#{m:*staging*,#{hostname}}"

In that approach, the only duplication is the segment colors that don't change. Seems... okay?

gpakosz commented 1 year ago

Hey @indirect 👋

Sorry for the late follow up. Just wanted to mention that %if is evaluated at configuration parsing time. As such, what you're suggesting doesn't work if you want the color to change when e.g. sshing into some host

indirect commented 1 year ago

Thanks for explaining! This worked for me because I have a separate tmux session for each box, and either nest tmux or create a new terminal to host the tmux session on the remote machine. In that case, you'll get different colors on the different machines' long-running tmux sessions.