gpakosz / .tmux

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TMUX Error When Sourcing Config File #753

Open haohu321 opened 1 month ago

haohu321 commented 1 month ago


I got the following errors when source ~/.tmux.conf file:

'TMUX_PROGRAM="$(LSOF=$(PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" command -v lsof); $LSOF -b -w -a -d txt -p 50521 -Fn 2>/dev/null | perl -n -e "if (s/^n((?:.(?!dylib$|so$))+)$/\1/g && s/(?:\s+\([^\s]+?\))?$/[0/0]
'"$TMUX_PROGRAM" -S /tmp/tmux-100305/default set-environment -g TMUX_SOCKET "/tmp/tmux-100305/default"' returned 127
'"$TMUX_PROGRAM" set-environment -g TMUX_CONF $(for conf in "$HOME/.tmux.conf" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/tmux.conf" "$HOME/.config/tmux/tmux.conf"; do [ -f "$conf" ] && printf "%s" "$conf" && break; done)' returned 127
'"$TMUX_PROGRAM" set-environment -g TMUX_CONF_LOCAL "$TMUX_CONF.local"' returned 127
'"$TMUX_PROGRAM" source "$TMUX_CONF_LOCAL"' returned 127

I didn't touch the .tmux.conf file and all my tmux.conf.local didn't take effect due to this error. Here is my local environment:

OS: Linux CentOS 7 Shell: ZSH + oh-my-zsh Tmux: 3.4

Would appreciate any help to fix this.

gpakosz commented 1 month ago


I currently don't have access to CentOS but on macOS Sonoma I have no issue.

gpakosz commented 1 month ago

I just installed CentOS 7 with Vagrant, then compiled tmux from source and I can't reproduce this.

Do you have Perl installed?

gpakosz commented 3 weeks ago

@haohu321 Can you please try the latest commit in the master branch?

rubiin commented 3 weeks ago

I still have this error even on latest commit image

gpakosz commented 3 weeks ago

@rubiin Can you please open a dedicated issue? Something's failing with the TPM plugins you're using

rubiin commented 3 weeks ago

i deleted the plugins folder and the second issue is gone. now just the first error

gpakosz commented 3 weeks ago

@rubiin Please open a dedicated issue: kill all tmux processes, start from the latest version of the master branch, remove the use of TPM plugins, and in the issue please detail your OS, TERM value and your tmux version. Thanks!