gpambrozio / BlockAlertsAnd-ActionSheets

Beautifully done UIAlertView and UIActionSheet replacements inspired by TweetBot
MIT License
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BlockTextPromptAlertView small textbox input with no Title or captions #34

Closed wilferrel closed 12 years ago

wilferrel commented 12 years ago

Everytime I call BlockTextPromptAlertView I get a small textbox that I can type in but cannot see the Title or message.


UITextField *textField;

BlockTextPromptAlertView *alert = [BlockTextPromptAlertView promptWithTitle:@"Test" message:@"Test Message " textField:&textField];

[alert addButtonWithTitle:@"okay" block:^{

    NSLog(@"Text: %@", textField.text);



[alert show];
gpambrozio commented 12 years ago

Did you copy the PNG assets to your project?

wilferrel commented 12 years ago

Wow as simple as that... I feel really dumb sorry if you had mention that in your instructions and I just missed it.. Thanks again for you help looking forward in using this in my upcoming projects! BTW that was crazy fast response ! Thanks again.