gpbl / react-day-picker

DayPicker is a customizable date picker component for React. Add date pickers, calendars, and date inputs to your web applications.
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fix: Add type module in package.json #2230

Closed ArthurGoupil closed 2 days ago

ArthurGoupil commented 6 days ago


There is a missing type: module in package.json making jest be lost when trying to use esm/cjs.

Capture d’écran 2024-06-24 à 16 29 39

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gpbl commented 4 days ago

Thanks! Now is docusaurus (so, webpack) to fail with:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './' in '/home/runner/work/react-day-picker/react-day-picker/dist/esm'
Did you mean 'index.js'?
BREAKING CHANGE: The request './' failed to resolve only because it was resolved as fully specified
(probably because the origin is strict EcmaScript Module, e. g. a module with javascript mimetype, a '*.mjs' file, or a '*.js' file where the package.json contains '"type": "module"').
The extension in the request is mandatory for it to be fully specified.

My understanding is that we need to update also the import statements to use index.js and the file extensions. How do we do this with the TypeScript compiler?

guillaumewuip commented 3 days ago

Hello there! Jumping on this to help unlock this esm/cmjs issue.

What's the issue exactly here?

  1. we're bundling the code with raw tsc (tsc --project tsconfig-esm.json)
  2. with the current tsconfig.json config, we're not forcing the import/export paths to be fully specified (ie. my/path/index.js instead of my/path).
  3. tsc as no ability to transform the path in to fully specified version at build time (see for example this issue)
  4. so files in the dist/esm output dir don't have fully specified import/export paths, and this is an issue for tools that want to leverage strict ESM imports (here: docusaurus)
  5. with "type": "module", tools that can leverage ESM are more likely to do so. For example docusaurus is now trying to import the ESM files.

See also

In the ECMAScript spec, they mention that imports need to have a file extension, so import { foo } from './foo'; is not valid (see in Node.js’s doc).

How to fix?

We need to output esm files that have fully specified imports. I think we have two options:

  1. make all paths fully specified

    Here we need to transform lines like import "./my/path/" into import "./my/path/index.js" in all source files (note the.jseven in.ts` source files.

  2. add a bundler to do this fully specified transformation for us, for example rollup

    No change to do on the source files. We will let the bundler do this for us.

Are you opened in adding a bundler like rollup to output common js and esm files @gpbl? We can propose a PR for that with @ArthurGoupil

gpbl commented 3 days ago

Hi @guillaumewuip, thanks for the suggestions!

I really prefer adding the extension to the import rather than introducing rollup.js again. There should be an extension for eslint as well.

guillaumewuip commented 3 days ago

Ok, so the next steps is to update this PR by updating each import lines, right?

Basically @ArthurGoupil :

-import {} from './toto'
+import {} from './toto.js'
-import {} from './tata'
+import {} from './tata/index.js'
gpbl commented 3 days ago

Ok, so the next steps is to update this PR by updating each import lines, right?

Yes - that should work for everyone.

ArthurGoupil commented 3 days ago

@gpbl I think there is a blocker here, looks like your testing environment doesn't accept the explicit .js imports

gpbl commented 3 days ago

@ArthurGoupil thanks for looking at it , and sorry for the hassle. Will check it out asap.

gpbl commented 2 days ago

@ArthurGoupil it looks like now it pass 🎉

How to add a test to the build pipeline to avoid issues like these? 🤔

Could you maybe try to install main branch

npm install git+

and confirm it works now for you? Thanks.

ArthurGoupil commented 2 days ago

Thanks for the updates @gpbl ! I'll test shortly and tell you if I still have issues. But it should be alright now.