I have a problem of empty output for the
Each set of paired end sequence data were aligned using hisat2 -- according to the published protocol for string tie. And then stringtie run on them with a command similar to:
Does the chromosome naming convention match with the reference ? Because if not, that would be the best way to miss everything, like it seems to be the case here.
I have a problem of empty output for the Each set of paired end sequence data were aligned using hisat2 -- according to the published protocol for string tie. And then stringtie run on them with a command similar to:
putting these files in a text file I call stringtiefilelist
I run stringtie merge as follows:
Each of these steps produces expected output. But then when I run gffcompare
I get empty output so to speak
Is there perhaps a problem in the parameters I am using?
Do I need to convert the gtf file to a gff file? A successful run I had used as input a gff file. Perhaps this is the reason.