Dear Pertea,
As you mentioned, MSTRG gene tags are unique in one sample. However, MSTRG tags are not uniform between samples and should not be used as a way to identify genes across samples.
How does combine the same gene in different samples? by genomic location or attributes
like ref_gene_id ?
After extraction of gene count with, there are also genes named with MSTRG tag. where are
these MSTRG tags from? New assignment by OR from Stringtie-derived GTF files?
In gene count file produced by, there are only gene ID and reads counts. However, for
MSTRG tagged genes, how to know these genes information such as genomic location?
Dear Pertea, As you mentioned, MSTRG gene tags are unique in one sample. However, MSTRG tags are not uniform between samples and should not be used as a way to identify genes across samples.
I greatly appreciate your reply.
Sincerely Yours.